What's wrong with baseball and basketball?
I've been watching for 25yrs. The rules are crazy complex and more complex than chess or any other sport. Complex rules don't make for a smarter game though. Now the rules are getting more complex in the name of player safety.
Smartest sport is definitely Chess Boxing
Rugby is safer for that reason. Players learn the helmet can be a weapon so then the rules committee had to ban that.
There's gambling. I'm a stats nerd so I gamble tiny $ on football games because of that. It's a lot of fun.
Aha. I should've read the top comment before making a long one defending football.
Hey now! I like American Football. It brings joy to millions of Americans and to the players lucky enough to get paid to do it and not have catastrophic brain damage.
Plenty of things cause brain damage. Most Zs and Millenials on the left support the legalization of drugs.
War causes much more brain damage and mental problems than football and we have far more soldiers than football players. Abolish war!
Apparently nobody has enough to watch somehow
3,000 innocents vs 5,000 American soldiers KIA vs 500k--2mil dead Afghanis and Iraqis...
I stand with Flava Flav--911 is still a joke
Yeah but polar opposite in temperment