So how did those laptops get stolen? Would that have been possible if their users worked on a local client at the office?
Rocket science is a fucking joke compared to secure IT practices. You saying that, proves that you know neither well enough to participate in this discourse. Most users would operate more securely if their client device was also physically restricted. If you don't understand that, that's the reason you are not making decisions. I'm sorry to be so blunt.
There are highly capable technical people that can securely work from home, but this is not the average user. If you don't recognize that, you are probably just cheering for your own personal comfort right now. I get comfort, but don't be blind to reality
I'm not talking about myself in your last quote. I consult clients on their operational and technological challenges. I see a lot. Of course, you might also consult similar amounts of clients and you can see that their largest deficit contributor is that people aren't taking their work home, but that's not what I'm getting from you.
You just seem angry, because you can't stomach that there are valid reasons for you to move out of your comfort zone. Sorry.