submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi, my laptop got fried because of getting caught in the rain :(

I got a gaming laptop for work a few years ago, because appearantly the CPU AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX was about the best thing to be found for updating some ridiculously complicated excel power query circusses at work, according to the internet back then (i think I found that info on pc master race on reddit before the reddit-api-fall), and finding those CPU's in business laptops was rather difficult at the time. They were right, this CPU handled the queries like a walk in the park.

Is the AMD Ryzen 9 6900H* still a very good CPU for this kind of thing, or should I put in a lot more time investigating again, is there better cost-efficiency available now in other CPU?

Sorry if this is not a right place for this question. I'm usually not really a hardware guy. Just need a CPU that handles this Excel shit as fast as possible, preferably without locking up the entire machine and without being as noisy as an F16 getting ready for lift off. On "regular" work laptops with i5 or i7, these files can take literally over an hour to update.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For example on wikipedia for Switzerland it says the country has an area of 41,285 km². Does this take into account that a lot of that area is actually angled at a steep inclination, thus the actual surface area is in effect larger than what you would expect when looking onto a map in satellite view?

Youtube is broken, again (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Use UBlock, sponsorblock, firefox, etc. Recently it broke again, some stupid permission to connect youtube to other google services pop-up is permablocking it and I can't be bothered investigating.

Go to FreeTube cause why not. Works rather well for how it works. Especially for listening to albums it is fine, for video it's often too slow.

They found a way to inject bullshit in there too, now? And basically everywhere.

Albums are sometimes uploaded as 1 long video. Those are fun. Often they're uploaded as all songs seperately and then there's a playlist which makes it 'the album'. They used to be okay too.

Not anymore. People started injecting bullshit videos within the playlists. No, Andrew fucking Tates bullshit is not part of this album. Fuuuu. ANDREW I CAN'T STAY FUCKING MOTIVATED BECAUSE SOME ARSEHOLE INJECTED YOUR BULLSHIT VIDEO INTO THE MUSIC PLAYLIST I'LD LIKE TO LISTEN TO WITHOUT YOUR BULLSHIT INTERRUPTIONS!

I need to work on permanently replacing youtube. It no longer serves its purpose (for me of listening to albums) reliably.

[-] [email protected] 70 points 1 month ago

I dislike the fact even more then the idea.

Called a bank recently.

They: "please say in a word the subject your call is about so we can immediately connect you to the right department "

Me: "LOAN"

They: you said "limits on your cards", 1 for yes 2 for no

I tried 3 times, gave up. They won, I guess.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 2 months ago

Been using searx a bit recently and it often is the 1 thing I'm looking for as the top result.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 2 months ago

Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich. Again. USA needs to somehow break free from the 2-party nonsense.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi, First, is it possible to set the steamdeck to "default" to always keep picking the steamdeck speaker as default audio out also when an HDMI is connected through the USB-C? I have an old monitor (VGA to HDMI to USB-C haha) and would be easiest to still just output audio in the steamdeck speaker by default. It is easy to switch audio outputs in desktopmode, not in gaming mode unfortunately can't switch to steamdeck speaker there, doesn't work.

Second, how do y'all combine music and games? I prefer to play games while listening to youtube full albums (freetube or similar) in background. Doesn't really seem to integrate well in gaming mode either? Tried adding Monophony and Freetube as non-steam games, but not very succesful. What's your suggestion for optimizing the setup?

Sorry for the noob-questions. Pic unrelated, sort of.

Snitches get stitches (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

is actually a rather nice promise to give someone in the USA: "we'll treat your wounds, you'll receive basic health care services from us"

Urban Microcars (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Society's got priorities wrong.

  • most car travels are 1 person or sometimes 2 person

  • the majority of car travels are quite short, less than 40km.

  • many car travels are just to get some groceries or drop of a little package or just say "hi" to someone, carrying nothing but themselves.

  • cars are fucking expensive, to buy and to maintain

  • accidents become way worse with heavier vehicles

Microcar is a valid answer to all of these, while still being sheltered from weather.

How are urban places (i'm in Belgium) with almost permanent super heavy road traffic congestion, bad climate statistics, high polution values, very limited available space left, no self-sustaining energy production and high traffic accident statistics still pooring in billions and billions in subsidies year after year into "regular" big heavy SUV-like vehicles instead of these? It's beyond my comprehension. The only real valid reason i somewhat get is the collective scare of being in a crash and not wanting to be in the smaller vehicle. We could save the climate, we choose not to.

  • MICROLINO: 17.990 €
  • OPEL ROCKS: 8.699 €
  • CITROEN AMI: 7.790 €
  • RENAULT TWIZY: 13.000 €
  • FIAT TOPOLINO: 9.890 €

A lot of people here casually spend more on a sunday racing bike every few years for fucks sake.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 4 months ago

I'm told that much of this experience is rendered on-device and does not reach out to the cloud to process information.

Yeah, right.

OpenSkiMap.org (openskimap.org)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, i got myself some kind of early bird magicpass deal for next winter. Seemed like a great bang-for-your-buck unless ofcourse 2024-2025 winter is when climate shit really goes all the way down the drain in the alps and there are 0 snowdays, never know.

Anyhow, I also discovered OpenSkiMap.org recently, and I really like it. Very fast view on ski-areas and elevations, and somewhat how reachable they are, and I especially like that you can view what kind of lifts to expect and most of all i like that you can quickly see how long they will take to use (nice to know for t-bars, willing to put in the effort once in a while, but not for 20 mins non-stop on a 500m climb ;)). It even made me try to add that information for a lot of lifts in OSM where it is lacking.

But, unfortunately, I feel that openskimap is lacking a few options.

1. Public transport-integration. I would very much appreciate it if it could have a "railway / busstop" toggle or something. So a bit of an openskimap.org meets öpnvkarte.de cross-over. Does anything like that exist (please don't suggest me to do it myself in QGIS, the learning curve is really just too steep i'm afraid)

Basically just the option to, when you select a ski-area, show the nearest busstop and trainstation would be pretty cool imo.

2. Weather & snow-cover integration I know there is also OpenMeteo so at least the expected weather is theoretically available in open source. Is there also such a (opensource) thing for actual snow cover, like the information every skilift-operater typically puts on their website: mountain 100cm "fresh snow", valley 10cm "horrible mush". Does this exist?

[-] [email protected] 44 points 5 months ago

Taalen's PIN > 0001 confirmed.

[-] [email protected] 53 points 5 months ago
smellulator (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What's stopping us from making smellulators, for games or movies?

Vietnamwar videogame: smell of napalm in the morning.

The sims: baby pooped.

Survival game: that lump of flesh is rotting.

Smell you later

[-] [email protected] 31 points 8 months ago

One of the mistakes for which j think you are down voted is thinking you can't have nature nearby if you live in a more dense cluster. Quite the opposite is true. People living in apartments 4 or 5 high leaves a lot more open space available for parks, playgrounds, etc. Suburban sprawl looking for "wanting nature and places in their backyard that kids can play" is exactly what destroys this space in cities in the first place...

[-] [email protected] 52 points 9 months ago

The fact that 1 single person gets to decide arbitrarily who is or isn't allowed to voice bullshit 'facts' on a worldwide medium that is copy-pasted by every newsagency and newspaper as if it is a main and legit source of actual news is just very very wrong.

patience (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm not young. But 25 years after the hype, I am finally getting around to playing half life (1)! Stupidly missed the free action, but paid a few eurocents for it. They're totally worth it! Awesome game, holds up very very well after two and a half decades!

[-] [email protected] 41 points 10 months ago

All easy decisions, in hindsight. In reality quite a few missed out completely on all of those or lost significantly. It's all just some sort of gambling in a casino. I'm sure in hindsight it will be clear which opportunities you missed out on in your time. The big difference is being able to save to start off with, because wages were relatively a lot higher for simple jobs than they are now.

Lidl (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Entschuldigung, wenn dies nicht der richtige Ort für diese Frage ist, aber weiß jemand, warum diese Aufstriche von Lidl verschwunden sind? Die in den Glasdosen. Lidl, bitte bring sie zurück. Ich danke euch.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 11 months ago

I'm somewhat surprised it took so long after they took over YouTube.

Might cause some surprising competition hopefully

docking station (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just ordered a refurbished steam deck :D

Because of all the great reviews still, long after launch and because i'm very enthousiastic about being able to use it as both a handheld console on the train and as a full blown desktop at home. I've honestly long been waiting for such devices... And wonder why android phones still don't really do that.

Now, regarding the docking station: the official one is quite pricey.

It does not matter at all that the charging of the dock is rated at 60W, which is more than the steam deck needs, right?

Would this thing do the trick? I'l need to connect 1 usb dongle for mouse and keyboard in the usb 2 port, 1 hdmi to screen, 1 usb 3 to external harddisk and then the charging. SD is nice to have, don't really need it. I don't care that the deck will be laying flat on a desk instead of being able to use it standing up as a tiny second screen.

cycling in Italian cities (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I travelled a bit through Italy recently, by bicycle. Cycling here seems either

  • super sporty road cyclist
  • poor people on what's left of what used to be a bicycle

Stumble upon Lodi, Lombardy: cyclists everywhere, like dutch style: adults carelessly cycling with 2 kids and lots of luggage on a single normal city bike and without helmets. What's so different about Lodi (or the region) that it's so common here, but not in other Italian small or medium cities? Any Italians with answers? Thanks

[-] [email protected] 52 points 1 year ago

Good cycling infrastructure works better than any helmet, if you're cycling with a helmet, don't forget getting involved in trying to make your area more cycle safe, too.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 1 year ago

Don't heat food in plastic in the microwave. Put in the effort to put it in glass or a plate or so, then heat.

Don't store hot leftovers in plastic.

Don't buy and drink plastic bottled water.

If you can in the stores in general chose between food and drinks packaged in glass or cardboard vs anything else: chances are glass or cardboard packaging is the healthier choice. Aluminum cans should still be okayish too, tho they possibly layered it with plastic inside too depending on the pH of the contents to slow down reactions between can and product.

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