phallusy fallacy: posting like a cock
everyone who's ever done physical cabling knows aaallll about dropping cables upward
* CFTC boys
if people don't appreciate the kitties their tamagotchi is in some fucking trouble
I just went outside and appreciated the rendering
A Guy in India is not only possible, but the secret sauce behind so many AI companies!
the tamagotchi of them is in for a bad time when the basilisk creates it
how the hell did this of all the posts turn into a promptfondler shooting gallery
everyone, we have a new worst poster
when my dick grows wings, it will truly therefore be a magical flying unicorn pony
Both the use cases here are goverment documents. I'm baffled at the idea of it being "fine if the AI makes shit up".
Bitcoin hits a new all-time high! World reacts: “Wow, that thing’s still around?”
remember that he was on the Thiel gravy train then they broke over Trump. Now it's Vitalik Buterin and Ben Delo from the crypto contingent.