Isn't this a little late?
Reminds me of the story about Ethiopia a few weeks ago. EVs can help poorer countries to get rid of oil.
Funny though that Nepal has a higher share of EVs than most developed countries.
500.000 Euro is more like 535.000 USD. Still ridiculously expensive, as expected.
Definitely better than some of the DRM-riddled proprietary eBook formats.
Who would expect anything else from Hungary?
Abstimmungen ohne Chance auf Erfolg werden öfter von der Tagesordnung genommen. Würde auch nichts bringen, wenn man eh weiß, dass keine Mehrheit zustande kommen kann.
War eh schon immer so. Nur bis 2000 hat sich bei der Batterieentwicklung einfach zu wenig getan, um für Fahrzeuge tauglich zu sein.
Renewable fuels exist and are used today, but the efficiency and pollution aspects still apply.
Vor 15 Jahren war Call of Duty, Assassins Creed und Uncharted modern ... wir werden alt 🙄
I would say that "on prem" defines a location, "selfhosting" an action. You can do both at the same time, e.g. selfhosting nextcloud onprem.
This might be true for most batteries, but not for electric engines.