[-] [email protected] 2 points 7 hours ago

Not only that, depending on where this vending machine is, it could be nothing more than a leased spot with the actual machine, inventory, and access keys owned by an off site company.

While the sign could be the best that employees of whatever store could do

[-] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago

This right here OP, the company doesn't give a shit about climate. In fact if you go in there and say anything right out the gate about climate emergencies or climate change they're probably just going to tune you out entirely, shake your hand at the end and say something like "Good presentation, we'll get back to you" (Read: they won't)

But start talking about how they can save money and increase profits, now you're talking their language. Maybe mention climate change at the end as some sort of "secondary benefit" like free marketing or something, but that'd be about it

[-] [email protected] 38 points 2 days ago

Dad: Quick reload the save we did before we started this convo path

Mom:...I forgot


[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

humanity being controlled by a hyper-intelligent benevolent dictator, which ensured humans were happy and on a good path?

Well that's better than the current path the world is on, let's switch to this one guys

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Things started going downhill after Legere stepped down from CEO

But yea, I'm not too affected by trade in deals either, but for different reasons. I just keep "jumping" every year lmao except for the phone I had prior to this one, it currently sits as my longest in use phone at 2.5 years and mostly just because I was committed to having a foldy for my next phone, but had to wait for the pixel fold to drop because I CANNOT stand Samshit phones in general, but also Samshits foldy offering is WAY too narrow lol

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Fr, I always remember seeing phrases along the lines of "T-Mobile, a distant third competitor" all the time and sprint was literally on the verge of bankruptcy. If you think sprint merging with T-Mobile was bad, just imagine what it would be like if they had just gone bankrupt and AT&T/Verizon swopped in and bought large chunks of them for pennies on the dollar.

Remember, AT&T was against the deal and was part of a lawsuit to block it IIRC, so on that reason alone people should have supported the deal because any move AT&T figures is good for them is probably bad for people.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago

Or watched cable ADs apparently, cable TV ads were like...5 minutes or maybe even longer. Just commercial after commercial, so long that it was viable to use them to go-to the bathroom when you didn't have DVR lmao

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Yea, OK Boomer lmao

I just went to the Twitter support page (logged out) and was able to find multiple ways to submit a variety of support tickets.

Every try getting a hold of a company that has no phone/email support, you have no account and somehow had fraud on your card from said company?

Why would you need to? Just report the fraud to your bank, it'll prob result in a charge back, but if it's a company you have no business with, then what does that matter.

It's bullshit. Companies cannot be held accountable if you can't get a hold of them.

LMFAO you're not holding any company accountable through their customer service, if accountability is what you want then you either need a lawyer, be a lawyer, see if the media will report on it or have enough of a social media presence that your complaints will be loudly publicly heard

This is the most boomer comment I've seen in a long time, bet you also say "If you need a job, just print out your resume and ask to speak to the manager at their location" lololol

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

That doesn’t justify the other side

Never said it did, but at the very least when Uber said they would have a car there, the car was there. When their app says it'll cost X for the ride, I paid X.

Too many cab experiences where a "Yea man, prob 20$" turned into a 60$ ride because "the meter says what the meter says". Too many cab experiences where a car was supposed to be at my location "in 15 minutes" an hour ago. Among other crap they pull

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Absolutely, but Uber/Lyft are very marginally better, mostly because all the old cabbie tricks (i.e. identifying non-local people and taking them the LONG way) don't work and when Uber tells you a car is on the way with a time frame they usually are accurate. Compared to some phone dispatch that just tells you a car is "just 10 minutes away" for 2 hours.

I'd like to see them both die off, but I'm perfectly happy seeing the taxi industry get their just desserts first.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 6 days ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, FUCK TAXI COMPANIES

Don't be fooled, they're textbook playing the victim, if anything they're just pissed they didn't have the idea first to do what Uber/Lyft are doing

Last gasp of a shitty industry that needs to die.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not naming names lol IYKYK

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I like to let Spotify leave my playlist and just have it play whatever so I can add new songs to my playlist.

But from time to time it'll play songs from some religious band (Usually Christian rock or Christian rap or something). The annoying part is it'll sound pretty good, until I start paying attention to the lyrics and then I realize it's a propaganda song lol and have to block the artist and move on.

Anybody know of a good list of religious artists on Spotify so I can write a script to block them ahead of time? (Or even better an existing FOSS project to do just that lol)

Star Trek (lemmy.world)
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submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi everyone, looking for some NVR software to run a bunch of Cisco 6630 cameras I picked up (I know I know, but at <20$/camera....)

I looked at a few like ZoneMinder and Frigate but they all seem to only support basic HTTP auth and I spent a lot of time and effort getting Authentik working nice and smooth and dammit I want to use it for everything I can lol

Just "classic" LDAP is fine too, at least it's still using some part of my central authentication infra lmao

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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EXCLUSIVE PHOTO (lemmy.world)
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