[-] [email protected] 33 points 5 months ago

I remember back when I lived in the dorms for college and some of the horrific shit I saw and smelled is ungodly. I went to one of those "gamer" colleges and I had a pair of friends that I hated going into their room because it stank of feet, cum, and BO and it only got worse over the year. Then when I moved room the toilet was black with filth and I ended up spending >3 hours scrubbing it until me and my new roommate were comfortable even going near it, he was stuck cleaning other parts of the room in trade for me doing the toilet. I have no issue living cluttered and not living in an immaculate space, but I mean, have standards.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 5 months ago

Earlier this year we had COVID rip through our unit, half of our residents got it. Since it's a dementia unit it's nigh impossible to quarantine people because they either will come walking out and get aggressive if you try to keep them inside, or they'll find a way to fall. While most made it through the quarantine period, it still took its toll, we had 6 die within a few days of each other a bit after we were fully cleared on the unit, they just weren't able to make back out on the other side. To that end, there are a fair few people that now have chronic coughs and we had RSV hit a few weeks later. The ones that died were already pretty precarious but as of now we have a new group that's a bit more precarious and keeps getting sick.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 24 points 5 months ago

I mean Hexbear darling Shaun has a 2 hour video on why the bombings were bad. The us firebombing campaign killed more civilians and destroyed more homes than the two nukes did. None of this absolves Japan of their crimes, but the US absolutely weren’t the good guys as evidenced by the post war occupation where leftists were crushed by American interest and the Korean Peninsula was split leading to a US backed genocide of Korea along with the US reinstating Japanese rule.

The fact that it’s a rarity for it to even be discussed let some acknowledged that Japan were the bad guys by Japanese people overall reflects the conditions where no true punishment and learning occurred. The bombs did nothing but kill civilians to force an end of a war so the US could ramp up the next one.

Similarly the us hasn’t learned or been punished for it’s own war crimes so it should still be discussed.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just wanted to get one of those character name generators and somehow this popped up instead.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 6 months ago

Everyone talks about how it's going to piss off gen-Z but I swear all the gen X and older millennials I work with use it more than any of the gen Z I work with.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was taking a survey for nursing satisfaction and this question just reminded me that these things existed and are pretty normalized.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 7 months ago

Got so hype when the hamas-red-triangle showed up

[-] [email protected] 31 points 7 months ago

"Funny" how the only group in double digits against ending the Ukraine war are Dems.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 7 months ago

For a crime older than I am, was there even any justice served at this point? The man wasn't actively a threat to society and was instead used as an experiment subject. The only cases I'm even sympathetic to execution are of the monsters that lead to hundreds of deaths through social murder or negligence, but in the western world you just gotta pay less than a single PS5 to the families to get off the hook for that kind of shit and even then just lock them up.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 7 months ago

While I know probably a lot of terrible people get fucked over in such a way, I feel like most of my experiences involve relatively nice people just sorta fucked by a terrible set of circumstances.

Like when I still worked in a hospital setting, we had the sweetest woman with ALS, she brightened everyone's day in just interacting with her despite her disease being super advanced and being dependent. The entire unit got depressed when we found out she died a few weeks later in the ICU. Also had a poor woman with a giant Kennedy ulcer that developed that for weeks just held on and also got revived by her defibrillator, despite being in agony almost all the time.

If there was a truly just and good God, monsters like Fetterman would be the ones locked in their bodies stuck in a terrible nursing home where they spend half the day sitting in their own shit until their skin dissolves leaving a giant pressure injury in its wake.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 8 months ago

Their strategy for the last several decades is "we'll try to implement something and then something will stop us and oh darn we can't do anything about it." "Oh no the Parlimentarian won't let us do it" "Oh no Manchin and Sinema won't let us do it" "Oh no we don't want to breach decorum"

There's no meaningful change, anything they do actually pass is obnoxiously means tested. They were bragging about cutting overdraft fees in half, about a 16 cent less Fourth of July cookout. Affordable housing is nonexistent, it's all a speculation market and owned by property management corps these days. The debt forgiveness is such an easy win that they intentionally let die and never did anything else just being happy to kinda sorta let a tiny section of the population see some relief.

When you look at China and their significant advances in renewables and reducing their carbon footprint, it's quite obvious that when a nation actually gives a shit and pushes for something better, you could have more than some paltry tax credit system that gets abused by fuckos like Musk where they'll remain profitable because they're selling the credits.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 8 months ago

Stuck watching NBC at work with all the morning news shows and I’m rather surprised how many ad spots there are about antisemitism. I know there’s a rise in antisemitism but there’s a rise in islamophobia too that’s getting none of the same coverage. It really just feels more like more propaganda and equivocating Zionism with Judaism taking the form of PSAs to make them seem more benign while pushing the continued party line that the Zionist entity is fully justified in anything and everything.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Honestly it's not surprising in the slightest. It's not like colorblind people don't see color, we just see it differently. I can relatively easily identify when a wound is looking bad, but ask me what colors are there and we'll have more issues which usually leads to someone passive aggressively just telling me to find someone to tell me the colors.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Best part is when they started finding new ways to create these products without as much risk, they didn't want to just dump all their old probably infected stock, so they instead sold it in developing nations that hadn't regulated the products properly yet.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The long term care facility I work at is generally terribly understaffed and I've been made to wait 30 minutes for a replacement to arrive but generally there's been someone on the unit to count the narcotics with me so I can leave sorta on time. It's not like I'm staying late because I haven't finished my work, my work is done almost always by the start of shift report. Today I'm especially pissed off for having been made to wait 45 minutes for a replacement to arrive. The supervisor kept telling me that "they're on their way" implying they were running late, but in reality they weren't scheduled to arrive until 4. The supervisor then told me that I wasn't allowed to leave because I'd be abandoning patients and that it's only company policy that I leave at 3:15 so they don't have to pay overtime and that I'm there until there's a replacement available. My coworker let me go first and was still stuck when I was walking off the unit. The only reason I haven't called off tomorrow yet is because I"m not sure that I won't just start screaming over the phone.

Is there literally anything I can do about this? I already have an exit strategy of cutting my hours and finishing my BSN, but they've also been dragging their feet for the past few months making the process take extra long but the end is mostly in sight so outright quitting isn't on the table yet.

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