
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago

In the name of all that is good and holy, do not go down that staircase

[–] [email protected] 48 points 1 month ago (1 children)

With projects like these, I'm always torn between thinking that it's cool it's possible, and horror that someone somewhere will try to use this in production code.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I know I probably shouldn't engage, but I really just wanted to spark a conversation. I find the trope interesting. I agree that my Good Place example isn't that good, but still, no need to be so accusing.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

I completely forgot to mention His Dark Materials! Hell doesn't appear, but Heaven is portrayed as actively bad.


I have the feeling that over the past years, we've started seeing more TV shows that are either sympathetic towards Hell and Satan, or somewhat negative towards Heaven. I just watched "Hazbin Hotel" today, which isn't too theological, but clearly is fairly negative towards Heaven.

In "The Good Place",

Spoilers for The Good Placethe people in The Bad Place end up pushing to improve the whole system, whereas The Good Place is happy to spend hundreds of year not letting people in.

"Little Demon" has Satan as a main character, and he's more or less sympathetic.

"Ugly Americans" shows demons and Satan as relatively normal, and Hell doesn't seem too bad.

I only watched the first episode of "Lucifer", but it's also more or less sympathetic towards Lucifer.

I have a few more examples (Billy Joel: "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints", or the very funny German "Ein Münchner im Himmel", where Heaven is portrayed as fantastically boring), but I won't list them all here.

My question is: how modern is this? I've heard of "Paradise Lost", and I've heard that it portrays Satan somewhat sympathetically, though I found it very difficult to read. And the idea of the snake in the Garden of Eden as having given free will and wisdom to humanity can't be that modern of a thought, even if it would have been heretical.

Is this something that's happened in the last 10 years? Are there older examples? Does anyone have a good source I could read?

Note that I don't claim Satan is always portrayed positively, or Heaven always negatively :).


I already have a Venu Sq, and I'm looking to upgrade. My wife has a Fenix 7S and loves it, and it has some features I would like.

The Fenix 8 is now obviously out, but it's a) very expensive, b) bigger than a 7S (I have very small wrists), and c) has a microphone. I try to avoid devices with microphones, since I don't completely trust that they can't be somehow used for evil. And although I do scuba dive, I already have a Mares dive computer, so the dive functionality on the Garmin isn't quite as appealing.

I get a good deal on Garmin devices through work, and people are selling lots of used Fenix 7 watches, so I'm interested in using this as a chance to get one. But I'm a bit afraid that they'll stop getting any updates or anything soon.

How long do we think the 7 will keep getting updates? Or what's my best path forward here?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I would +1 this. I'm completely bald, and almost never leave the house without a hat, even in summer. It's also important protection against sunburn :).

For something comfortable in the summer, I personally often go for brimmed hiking hats. A few that I like:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Yeah, absolutely. My watch is getting quite old, so I was waiting for the Fenix 8 before I decided what to do, but at least for me, it's definitely not worth the price. I'm most likely going to end up getting a Fenix 7 instead now, and maybe wait a bit to see if they end up discounting it to get rid of old inventory.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Last I checked, it was out of print, so I bought Unfathomable instead (reimplementation in the Lovecraft universe). Still good, but missing pilots, so not as good :).

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I'm working on some outdated memories, but IIRC:

Germany allows dual citizenship now, but used to not allow it in most cases. In those cases, if you applied for German citizenship, you had to express that you were willing to give up your old citizenship. Once you were granted citizenship, you had a certain amount of time (two years?) to show a certificate that you renounced your old citizenship. If you didn't, your German citizenship would be revoked.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The only one I really remember is Trogdor, but in order to keep it in my heart, I am a proud owner of Trogdor!!: The Boardgame

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

I finished Dave the Diver a few weeks ago, and I really enjoyed it. For me, it hit this sweet spot of "Remember where everything is and grind the same thing over and over" without getting boring.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

TIL. Thank you!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Thanks for that link! That does seem very similar to what I read about in Machi Koro 2, and I think we will definitely try it the next time we play.


I just played a round of Machi Koro with a friend, and at a certain point, he was far behind. He didn't have many buildings that grant money on other people's turns, and the rest of us had also purchased a lot more red buildings than him.

I'm looking for ideas of house rules that make help provide some sort of catch-up mechanism if you're far behind. Do any of you have any tips?

If it matters, we usually play with the Harbor expansion, but are willing to play without it as well. We're already considering it because of how extreme the Tuna Boat can be.


Hi all! I have a Venue Sq, and I've been thinking of purchasing a new watch for quite some time. I've been mostly leaning towards a Fenix 7, since it has some more sport features, and has no microphone (the Venue 3 has a microphone, which I wouldn't use and don't really trust).

However, the Fenix 7 was announced in January 2022, and I'm wondering if there will be either Fenix 8 or at least a discount on the Fenix 7 sometime soon, so I'm hesitant to buy one now.

When are new watches usually announced? Any thoughts on whether it makes sense to wait?


I do not know if it's true for all countries, but at least the USA and the UK require your passport to be signed to be valid. And I know that when I fly, I sometimes get checked if it is signed.

Is there a practical reason for this? Does the signature get checked against anything? Or is it simply that the law says a passport must be signed to be valid, so there you go?

I googled around a bit, but only found resources on how to sign, but not why it needs to be signed.

Thank you Internet hive mind!


Ich habe vor einem Monat Miso wegen einer Idee gekauft, aber habe es nicht benutzt. Jetzt habe viel Miso, aber ich weiß nicht, was ich kochen soll.

Ich habe schon zweimal Miso Auberginen gemacht, aber der Misoschicht ist viel zu stark...ich liebe salzig und umami, aber es ist einfach zu viel.

Habt ihr irgendwelche tolle vegane oder vegetarische Ideen, wo der Miso ein bisschen weniger stark ist?



As far as I am aware, grazing animals like cows or sheep poop in the same meadows where they eat grass, but presumably don't have any problems eating the grass and pooping in the same space. But if humans would eat vegetables that they had pooped on, my understanding is that we would get sick.

Why? Am I incorrect that grazing animals poop where they eat? Are their stomachs more resistant to whatever makes it dangerous?

Thank you!


Hallo Leute!

Ich versuche anzufangen, als Tanzlehrer als Nebenjob zu arbeiten. Ich plane ziemlich wenig zu verdienen (weniger als 1000€ im Jahr), und ich suche einem:r Steuerberater:in, von wem ich Beratung bekommen kann, was ich machen muss. Ich habe Lohi kontaktiert, aber sie bieten nur Lohnsteuererklärungen an.

Kann jemand mir einen:r Steuerberater:in empehlen?

Vielen Dank!


I was reading this article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, and saw this quote:

Diesen Freitag verabschiedet der Bundestag ein neues Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht, es soll die Einbürgerung erleichtern. Statt nach acht Jahren können Einwanderer künftig nach fünf Jahren einbürgern, bei besonderen Leistungen schon nach drei. Auch der Doppelpass wird erlaubt, nach jahrzehntelangem Kampf. Wer dauerhaft bleibt und sich anstrengt, soll das volle Wahlrecht bekommen und dazugehören. Das ist der Plan.

I've already passed my Citizenship Exam and am ready to go!

Emacs Meetup at CCC (
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If any of you are at the Chaos Communication Congress, we're having an impromptu Emacs and Org mode meetup today at 16:00 (in 40 minutes).

Maybe see some of you there :)


An English post is below.

Ich hoffe es ist erlaubt: Mein schottischer Tanzverein bietet am 18.11 einen Ceilidh im Wirtshaus im Hirschgarten an. Ein Ceilidh ist eine schottische Tanzparty, und wir werden ganz viele Tänze machen, die für alle geeignet sind. Alle Tänze werden gezeigt und erklärt, und es gibt auch die Möglichkeit, eine schöne Whiskyflasche zu gewinnen.

Falls jemand Fragen hat, sag einfach Bescheid. Und vielleicht sehen wir ein paar von euch dort!

I hope this allowed here: my Scottish dance Verein is hosting a ceilidh in the Wirtshaus in Hirschgarten on the 18th of November. A ceilidh is a Scottish dance party, and we will do lots of dancing, which is appropriate for everyone: no experience necessary. All dances will be shown and explained, and there will even be the chance to win a nice bottle of whisky.

If anyone has questions, just say so :). And maybe we'll see some of you there!

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