[-] [email protected] 38 points 2 months ago

very funny to release what is clearly a meticulously crafted response to career ending allegations of pedophilia while still staying in character as like the bad guy in a movie where a golden retriever learns to play counter strike

[-] [email protected] 30 points 2 months ago

sorry im not sure if you're asking or offering. if you're offering then absolutely, hit me. if you're asking then these two are pretty good:



[-] [email protected] 124 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

man i just spent like an hour in the bathtub reading further into this and belly laughing

i will say though that i think the guy who sold mike lindell the 'data' that he's referring to in the challenge might actually be a genius lol. this is apparently the third or fourth time he's identified someone who needs some kind of technological hail mary and then he just shows up and is like "i have.. the data". he sold proof that obama faked his birth certificate and also sold a bunch of completely bogus software to the pentagon during the post-9/11 defense industry boom such as software that "decodes" al jazeera broadcasts into secret al qaeda messages. an employee of his testified that he doesn't even have an IDE installed on his computer. he's literally made tens of millions of dollars off of this grift and despite being basically constantly legally embattled for the past 20 years has apparently not suffered any consequences. i wish him a long and successful career being the smartest dumb guy in the room

mike lindell actually comes away from this looking almost sympathetic because he is so, so clearly a moron whose conception of data is like, a PS1-era spinning icon of a CD-ROM. it's very hard for me to guess whether or not he was acting in good faith: on the one hand, the logical thing to do with proof of election tampering is not 'announce a five million dollar challenge for someone to prove that i don't have it', but on the other hand, it doesn't make any fucking sense to do that if you don't think you have proof either. either way i would love to know how much money he paid for it (by the way, the data is: a text file with a list of IP addresses in mainland china, a PDF with a 'graphic depiction of voting machines', and many terabytes of gibberish binary files timestamped to several days before the challenge was set up). look at this quote the guy is literally zoolander stupid

“I said, ‘Wow!’ This would absolutely explain what I couldn’t explain!” Lindell recalled in an interview. “It was done with computers! I knew that was the only explanation."

[-] [email protected] 30 points 5 months ago

connery is more charming, moore is more earnest and craig got to star after they stopped writing scripts where the female leads had names like Hellacious Vag

[-] [email protected] 169 points 6 months ago

i can't find it online, but im reasonably certain i heard an interview with this guy on Canadian public radio several years ago that really shook me. he talked basically about how he wouldn't fly on a Boeing plane, knowing what he knows and having seen what he'd seen, stuff like quality rejected parts getting taken back into inventory to meet quotas. the takeaway for me was that the quality control system that had previously worked so well was an invention of equal or possibly higher importance to any kind of aerodynamic innovation present on those planes. i work in an analogous role (in a different industry) and i really do take it more seriously after having heard the interview. nobody likes the work of quality assurance and you'll never see someone doing a non-conformance report on TV but it's a necessary condition for planes to stay in the sky. RIP to a real one and if he got murdered then i hope the industry burns

[-] [email protected] 32 points 6 months ago

obviously Epstein killed himself to protect the secret technique of disabling security cameras and putting guards to sleep with his mind

[-] [email protected] 59 points 6 months ago

i was confused by the signs you sometimes see on escalators that are apparently warning you of their own existence for a good few years as a child

[-] [email protected] 61 points 7 months ago

i dunno, the premise of this question seems to me like homelessness is a riddle that homeless people just have not figured out. im pretty sure that if the answer could be crowdsourced in eight hours from eighty sysadmins on the toilet, it wouldn't be such an intractable problem

[-] [email protected] 46 points 8 months ago

look i mean, wherever the line is, im pretty confident nazis are on the other side of it

[-] [email protected] 28 points 9 months ago

can anyone with more insight explain what checks and balances had to have failed for this to make it to the field? i understand that this is like obviously potentially lethal but i don't really know how this kind of thing would normally be prevented.

[-] [email protected] 90 points 10 months ago

"When you've got a product with a lot of new technology or any brand new vehicle program, especially one that is as different and advanced as the Cybertruck, you will have problems proportionate to how many new things you're trying to solve at scale," he added.

does it have new technology? i thought it was just like, shockingly ugly?

[-] [email protected] 42 points 1 year ago

yeah i found this comic so opaque that i had to go look up the artist

it turns out that this is an explicitly christian comic where each strip is accompanied by a bible verse. the theme of this one is "love must hate evil" and it's accompanied by Ezekiel 33:11, Proverbs 6:16-19 and Luke 13:3

it sort of explains why you get that weird feeling when you read it, because the point of the comic is not to be funny but to communicate some kind of moralistic lesson, and the straight-line clarity with which the comics do that is in direct conflict of the normal subversion of expectations that typically makes things funny

that said, basically all of the comics that deal with death are to me unintentionally hilarious because i do not share the worldview that dying and going to heaven is like, a net positive




all in all this was a kind of fun little excursion into something i would absolutely never have looked at otherwise. i'm gonna go ahead and just not try to look into what the artist thinks about gay people so that this can be a positive memory for me lol

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