There are moments when I miss the stupid useless awards from Reddit.
Might have been on the SNES, dunno.
I dunno, just putting the first three Zelda games on the NES against Ocarina of Time is already a pretty broad spectrum of games.
Love the videos of the humans solving the puzzle. Let's see an octopus next!
Woohoo, guess now I can identify another state besides Kentucky.
Definitely. I see no downsides.
I don't eat very much meat as it is. But if I could drastically reduce the suffering inflicted when I do I would not hesitate.
Maybe the target filesystem doesn't support those filenames. I think I saw that either with NTFS or SAMBA. Really annoying.
Really hard to avoid Godwin's law in this thread.
And with all of that they never repeated their GTA 5 giveaway.
Again with the cables?