[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Apparently it's hydrogen peroxide and not baking soda but I am not aware of hydrogen peroxide being especially toxic.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

If I'm understanding it correctly this generator has like wires out that then connect to the lights or something right?

If that's the case you'll need to see what kind of voltage it's putting out to those wires and then you would want to splice those wires into diodes to prevent the current from leaking backwards out of the capacitors. Then attach as many capacitors as you need for the voltage that it is providing, remembering that it is okay to have higher voltage ratings but not lower voltage ratings.

Chances are this will cause the light to be less bright as the capacitors are charging, so for the first few moments when you are riding it probably will be less bright but after the capacitors reach a steady charge you should see the light take a much longer time to dim down.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I think the largest issue you'll run into is figuring out how to wire it. It definitely sounds like a fun project and possibly an opportunity to try out some of the inexpensive super caps that you can get on eBay for like 3 bucks a piece.

The only caveat I can think of is that you might need to find out how much voltage the generator puts out, as you definitely don't want to pump more voltage into them than they are rated for.

To do that I would open the device and hook up a multimeter to the Dynamo and then spin it as hard as I can and figure out what it's peak voltage is and then purchase and or design your super capacitor bank to handle its peak maximum.

You should also check and see if the device has some sort of rectifier, as Dynamo output is typically AC and LED lights are typically DC, so there is likely some sort of rectification. If you do have a rectifier I would measure it after the rectifier.

It may already also have a capacitor in it, in which case you could simply desolder that capacitor and then set up some breakout cables and run those outside of the case into your bank.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I've been getting a booster shot every year and last year had me sick for 3 Days running a fever.

I got so delirious that apropos of nothing I had a hallucination of Dante's inferno and was carried all the way to the base of the mountain that leads to salvation and was told that I have to overcome my seven deadly sins in order to be allowed to take the first step onto the mountain.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

There is a treatment for that that involves like baking soda and aluminum foil and UV light. I think it's called retrobrite. Might be worth looking into but at the same time if you're going to do that you might have other repairs you would need to make on the machine.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

I think another thing that adds to it is a little bit of soy sauce, but if soy sauce is too strong or too salty for you I can also highly recommend liquid aminos. That stuff is amazing

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

I'm glad this is getting a 4K re-release, should be a good watch. Although, is anyone else kind of disturbed by the facial Photoshop they do on all of these old movies? Like, they were fine when they were originally released, why are we doing smoothing and youthening and all of this other stuff on the faces of the actors on the covers and the photos that still exist on the internet for these movies? It seems like a huge waste.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

If this is how I find out I need to update my jellyfin I'm going to be sad

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

From what I understand they are still affordable, the cost savings is building it yourself and having the discipline and patience to be able to do something like that on your wages.

Building a tiny home is a grueling and arduous task. There is nothing TurnKey about it.

My cousin built one because his mom lent him some land to build it on and so far it has cost him about $10,000.

That's pretty good but he lives on a truck driver's salary and he has a wife and a kid. He's deeply in debt from his tiny house project and he's almost done with it.

Once he finishes he'll be able to claw his way back up out of debt, which is good, but there are no TurnKey solutions that are also affordable.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 3 days ago

Sounds like Kyle Gass didn't get his birthday wish. :(

[-] [email protected] 46 points 3 days ago

Some people get a kick out of making you feel bad about anything and everything you enjoy by reframing it in the worst possible light.

Oh, you bicycle to work? Enjoy breathing in all that carbon monoxide from the cars passing you and a greatly increased risk of dying due to a driver not thinking that you're a human being. Hope you don't cross a street and inconvenience a driver you selfish prick!

Oh, you eat primarily vegetarian with only a little bit of meat? One, meat is still murder, you're a prick. Two, of course you would mention it. Three, fuck you and your entire family and your entire gene pool you piece of shit.

I could probably keep going but you get it right? Don't let the things that you enjoy be taken away from you by people who are chasing clout and will say anything that they possibly can in order to get it.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 3 days ago

I feel like this article is intended to make other people less scared about Trump becoming president again and decreasing their likelihood to vote. I'm not going to fall for the reverse psychology and I hope nobody else does.

I'm going to get out and vote and I'm going to vote for Kamala because I don't ever want to see that fucking shit stain as president ever again.

He bungled his covid response so bad that a million Americans died. All he had to do was follow the playbook Obama left him and his racism would not allow him to do that and a million people died.

Nothing anyone can say can top that for me. He as president killed a million Americans.

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