[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

I get conventional mail marked up like it is from the manufacturer claiming my warranty is expiring.

With the added fun bonus that all the things they claim to cover are engine related, and my car is an EV with no engine.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 1 week ago

They're just trying to keep government small and out of your business... or something

[-] [email protected] 139 points 2 months ago

Apparently it works retroactively and now you are on Windows.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 2 months ago

If we're ackshually things, lets cover the references to the lake of fire in the bible.

In revelations 19:20, there is the beast and the false prophet being tossed into the lake of fire.

In revelations 20:9, a bunch of people are explicitly consumed by fire from heaven. Consumed, not burned forever.

Then in revelations 20:10, the devil is added to the lake of fire with the beast and false prophet, and those three burn forever. But not the common folk.

Lastly, in revelations 20:13-15, hades and death give up their dead, and people are judged. Bad people are tossed into the lake of fire, explicitly labeled as a second death, but not mentioned as being eternal torment.

So in conclusion, the devil himself is spending eternity burning in the lake of "fire" (not lava or magma, nor is it underground, this is the apocalypse, this is happening on the surface of the planet that is being bombarded with heavenly shit), he's not doing any torturing there. He is also not the one sending people there, and sinners don't burn forever, they die when cast into the fire.

[-] [email protected] 154 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I hate how these things always come up because "order of operations!" It's mostly people who are bad at math remembering one topic they struggled with and finally got right, and now they know it's a touchy subject so it will drive engagement. It's the modern equivalent of "Mathematicians hate this one secret for solving equations! Click to find out!" Pure engagement bait.

But in all the engineering ive done, things never really come up like this. If there is any potential clarity issues, parentheses would be used, or it would be formatted in a way that makes it much more clear.

40 - (32/2), or 40 - ³²⁄₂ has no clarity issues imo. You don't even have to think about order of operations because 32 halves is a number on its own. it isn't an "operation" to do necessarily, it's a fraction to reduce.

And yes, I get the joke. The joke is making fun of the engagement bait of "some people will get the order of operations wrong!"

The joke(40 - 32)/2 = 4

If you stop here, you used the wrong order of operations. This is where the the fights normally start in the replies.

but the kid said "4!" not "4"

40 - (32/2) = 24 = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 4!

[-] [email protected] 44 points 4 months ago

He looks like a mix of BJ Novak and Hugh Laurie to me.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 5 months ago

The original is an ad for a Posturite mouse. Then reddit added the mouse. then someone else added saddam.

[-] [email protected] 49 points 6 months ago

Thats because you didnt write your wet ink signature in red ink at a 45 degree angle when you applied. You also have to declare that you do not accept the terms of the contract and prefer indefinite extensions under Title 18 chapters 213 and 214.

If you do that, you don't have to renew you license anymore.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 6 months ago

When you're a trans teen from OK getting beaten to death by classmates, the culture war feels a lot more urgent to focus on in the moment. Survival isn't something you can be passive about.

Some people partake in the culture war as part of manipulation by the rich... Some people are forced into it by defending themselves from the first group. And some people are compelled into it to protect the second group.

While you're not wrong about how we got here, it feels like it would be too easy for one side of the culture war to spin this as "Ignore my bigotry, Wall St is the real enemy!"

[-] [email protected] 66 points 6 months ago

My dad once told me my mom didnt feel safe walking alone at night in the neighborhood and asked if I felt the same. I said I didnt feel any concerns, but added the caveat that Im not a small woman, and Im a large man.

He paused for a minute, nodded and said "that makes sense." Then after another few seconds goes "That's not white privilege."

[-] [email protected] 90 points 7 months ago

Because of how starlink works, they have to aim satellites specifically at areas for data to flow. They have the ability to turn regions on and off (ie, satellites over China).

They know exactly where the transceivers are and based on movement patterns, probably which side they are on.

Unless he is feeding that position data to the Ukrainian military, he knows exactly who is using them and letting it happen. He didnt sell them the dishes, but he lets them be used.

[-] [email protected] 39 points 7 months ago

These sorts of decisions can impact future decisions. It is to early to say that this is a trend, so people shouldn't get all up in arms over things. But still, using other company histories as a basis, it is concerning about where this could end up.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Maybe this is just a me problem, and I can't find the settings. Or maybe these are things they changed in 115 and made it worse?

Collapsing threads. If I collapse everything thread, click to a different folder and then click back, every thread is expanded. I would vastly prefer "every thread is collapsed", or "we remember where things were". I never even noticed what it was on 102, but it wasn't "always expand everything"

Tab bar positioning. In 102 (and I could swear in some 115 screenshots Ive seen) the tab bar was at the very top. In 115, the tab bar is below the "Get Messages, Write, Address Book, etc" + search toolbar. The old way was so much better. It feels weird to have things ABOVE the tab bar change when i select a tab. thats the point of tabs, things are supposed to be contained "within" the tab.

Both of these are from their own documentation:

Old good:

New busted:

Are there settings for either of these changes, or is 115 just a downgrade for me and I should stick to 102?

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