Striking without any demands is self congratulatory larping. Workers strike when they have demands to strengthen their negotiating position.
A “just because” strike is weird and undermines unions.
What were the demands? It’s unclear from the statement.
Trump is an excellent entertainer. Even his enemies share video of his amusing antics.
Take a shower before you see a sex worker.
The zoo of mediocre audio subsystems Linux has might be exclusive to Linux.
Tons of Qt/KDE apps work just fine on windows, macOS, *BSD, and even Haiku OS.
Yes, so that they don’t run into the pedestrians and traffic on the next street with high speed.
Deleting posts and banning anyone who doesn’t hate Israel and Jews is what mods do all over lemmy.
Conservatives don’t want women to sleep around and have casual sex. So they make abortion illegal. In protest women stop having sex. Conservatives get exactly the outcome they wanted.
The Korean 4B movement is TERF on top.
Ein Film für Filmfans. Sehr meta und clever.