if the federal government just hands over money with inadequate oversight it will just enrich the companies.
The worst part of this is that that money is not just wasted, it's used to lobby politicians to make it worse.
And to be clear, the railroads don't need more money, back when Biden banned Warren Buffet's railroad from striking, I did the math, they could afford to double their work force, giving them all half the year off, and pay each one of them 100K/year, and still give the shareholders multiple billions a year.
The trump portion was a 4/10, the rest was like watching paint dry. Something I noticed back in the bush era, SNL writers really aren't good when the writer doesn't have any substantive criticism and are trying to make content from aesthetics or the way a politician talks. "Last time I had this much trouble with a mic, I tried to have it killed" hits harder than "Eeehh heeh heeh. Do I really laugh like that? Yeah, you do"