[-] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Wieso würde überhaupt jemand, der noch halbwegs bei Verstand ist Docker auf einem Windows Server betreiben wollen? Auf Server gehört Linux, außer man muss irgendeinen Proprietären Müll betreieben, der nur auf Windoof läuft!

[-] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago

"Deutschland den Deutschen" ist nicht Verfassungsrechtlich bestätigte Meinungsfreiheit, sondern eine NS Parole, und Volksverhetzung.

Schon interessant, dass solche berechtigte Kritik an den Kalifat-Islamisten immer jegliche Grundlage verliert, wenn im gleichen Rahmen Rechtsradikalismus verharmlost wird.

Ob Kalifat-Islamisten in Hamburg oder Rechtsradikale auf Sylt, beides sind verachtenswerte Gruppen, denen jeder vernünftige Mensch gleichermaßen und entschieden entgegen stehen sollte!

[-] [email protected] 22 points 3 months ago

Nope, Seilbahnen sind in Sachen Preis absolut unschlagbar. Die Störungsanfälligkeit dürfte auf einem ähnlichen Niveau wie die Monorail liegen und der Durchsatz einer Seilbahn ist gerade auf innerstädtischen Kurzstrecken nicht zu schlagen. Eine Seilbahn muss nämlich nicht anhalten, um Passagiere ein- und aussteigen zu lassen. Die Gondel kann dafür einfach aus dem Trageseil ausgespannt werden. Dies ermöglicht eine Durchsatz von einer Gondel ungefähr alle 20-30 Sekunden. Seilbahnen sind tatsächlich das nahezu beste Personennahverkehrsmittel, so lange noch keine bestehende Infrastruktur existiert. Natürlich ist es billiger, einfach eine zusätzliche U-Bahn auf ein existierendes Schienennetz zu stellen.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 5 months ago

So, what you're saying is that body temperature in Fahrenheit is also a completely random number?

[-] [email protected] 31 points 6 months ago

Honestly, there's nothing uplifting about this and as a European I'm appalled by how such things as child debt can even exist in a country that claims to be "the best country in the entire world". Classic Murrica...

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I believe the title already gives a pretty good TLDR, but let me provide a little extra context.

I play in a group with two clerics, a rogue, a fighter and a bard (me). It's also important to know that the DM is a player in one of my groups and plays pretty much exclusively lawful good or neutral good characters. I am on good terms with all of the people involved and I don't intend to change this. We're all adults and if this ever gets out of hand I'm sure we'll find a way to talk things out.

Now to the ingame problem. My character started out chaotic good with a pretty strong emphasis on the chaotic part. She's a fey and orderly things go against her very nature. It's usually small things like planting flowers in the middle of the streets or "resorting" some shop shelves. However, due to some not so nice things going on in the world right now, she began shifting a little more towards the neutral side by developing a indifference towards the lives of several faction members in the world (mostly cultists of various evilish cults).

This led to the party steamrolling a bunch of cultists who expected us to pay a toll for crossing their lands with my character hypnotising them beforehand.

Another encounter had our rogue grow tired of a spectator who blocked our way with obvious implications of combat should we ignore him. Our rogue decided to backstab the spectator mid conversation.

I as a player don't really consider these acts evil. Neither does my character. But apparently the DM and at least one of the clerics see things differently. Which in and of itself is not a problem. However, I got wind that they plan to invoke some sort of plot to "make the party repent for their evil ways". And that's where my issue arises. I have no problem with players or characters who want to be a shining example in an evil world and who see the good in everyone. But I have zero interest in playing such a character and it feels like that is what this amounts to.

So, I'll do the obvious thing and talk to everyone involved before the next session. And that's where you come into play. How would I go about this? What arguments might help my point and what am I missing? If shit hits the fan, I am ok with leaving the game and I know that they will accept my decision. But I prefer to avoid this, as I really enjoy the campaign and my characters role in it and in the group.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 6 months ago

Es geht darum, dass dir Nazis mit dem Tod drohen. Und dann beschweren sich die gleichen Leute, dass alle aus fem Osten wegziehen und dass dort niemand mehr Leben will.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 6 months ago

Ich nehme an, der Sack ist halbwegs voll? Dann überhaupt nichts. Einfach wie gewohnt den Sack vor die Türe stellen. Der Inhalt wird nach der Abholung sowieso gereinigt und/oder verbrannt. Bei beidem stört Schimmel kein bisschen.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

As others have already said, you're not required to allow any race in your homebrew setting. Heck, half my settings only allow humans and that's it (not DnD though).

That being said, if you go for high fantasy, I think elementals (aka genasi) always add quite a bit to the lore and I would add at least one scaly race. Be it Dragonborn, Lizardmen or Naga and maybe a beast race if it fits your world.

But it really depends on the kind of world you want.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 9 months ago

That's just Pass without trace for you. That spell is so poorly balanced, it's effectively an auto success on group stealth checks. Just a few things to note here when it comes to RAW:

  • There are no crit fails on skill checks
  • For a group stealth check it doesn't matter if one party member fails it. It's still a success.
[-] [email protected] 12 points 9 months ago

Der Wahlomat hat auch genug fehler. Der beruht nämlich einzig und alleine auf dem Wahlprogramm der Parteien und grade CXU, AfD und FDP behandeln das eher wie einen Wählerköder als eine tatsächliche Absichtserklärung.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Fun fact: Selbst Englisch hatte lange Zeit ein grammatisches Geschlecht.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 10 months ago

Kommt ein bisschen auf die Tagesform an. Aber ich vermute so zwischen 40% und 70% je nach Tagesform. Allerdings verbringe ich als Software-Engineer auch bestimmt 10% meiner Freizeit damit, über Lösungen für die Probleme auf der Arbeit nachzudenken.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This small barge will serve as the home base for my Enemy Within party for the foreseeable future. Let's hope nothing bad will happen to it...

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Dwarven city of Tiefenwacht is connected to an extensive network of mines. After the fall of Tiefenwacht, these mines have been all but forgotten and some new inhabitants have made their home there...

Assets by: Tom Cartos and Forgotten Adventures

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