[-] [email protected] 42 points 7 months ago

It seems more honest than touting exceptions as some sort of compromise. Have you ever thought of what a rape exception (or other exceptions) looks like in practice? They just don't happen. How many abortion providers are willing to test the law? How many pregnant people are able to get a police report necessary to be exempted? How many abortion providers are even practicing in states with rape exceptions to their otherwise strict abortion laws?

Arguing about what exceptions should or should not be on the books is a distraction. It's only service is to placate the general public into accepting barbaric abortion bans.


[-] [email protected] 20 points 7 months ago

Spicy potato soft taco. Small item overshadowed by others, but a solid go to when you want something small. Potatoes, spicy ranch and lettuce in a soft tortilla. Nothing fancy, just tasty.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 8 months ago

In your Western scenarios, I don't think it would be anywhere near a clean getaway most of the time. Horses do tend to behave differently for different riders. A very well trained horse may handle the new rider better, but most horses tend to test new riders. The first couple rides on a new to you horse is both a learning experience and a power struggle. You don't know exactly how that horse was trained, and the horse usually wants to see what it can get away with. You might find out the owner doesn't use some standard cues, and the horse might just take advantage of it get irritated with the confusion.

They know who their people are. In your scenarios, it's likely the horse only has one rider. Trying to hop on without it's person there is going to confuse it. If you are good with horses and it's trained in a conventional way, you'll have a better chance at gaining control quickly. I still wouldn't imagine galloping off immediately... That's going to take time.

I really don't know with the shooting dead question. If owner does a lot of yelling before/after the shooting, I don't see it ending well. No arguing before hand, one clean shot to the head - might be more dependant on if the horse is gun trained. I know horses that couldn't care less about fireworks and gunfire but will throw you over a plastic shopping bag blowing across the field or because she heard a noise coming from "that scary tree".

I don't know a good way to judge a horses temperament at a glance. You can get an idea of what kind of mood they're currently in fairly quickly though. You can look at their muscle build and get an idea of how much they're worked and if your good an idea of what kind of work. Different muscles will be toned differently depending on what they're used for.

Hope that helps!

[-] [email protected] 18 points 10 months ago

Stay outside until dinner. Warn sister not to rat. Play in bedroom until bedtime.

[-] [email protected] 59 points 10 months ago

My older sister and I once made a very questionable swing. My youngest sister was more than happy to be the first one to try it. She had to climb up on the picnic table, under the apple tree, to sit in a chair. We then hoisted the chair up by rope. The chair promptly flipped, we dropped the rope and little sister broke her elbow. Managed to hide the broken elbow from Mom and Dad till the next morning.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago

Yesss! The person that owns the most guns that I know is also the most liberal guy I know. I know what guns my conservative friends own because they tell me about them. I know the alarmingly high amount of guns my most liberal friend owns because we've gone shooting together.

Don't get me wrong, I've talked guns with all the folks included above. It just seems the more conservative folk use it more as a bragging right, where as the liberals I know only mention it if the topic is already owning/target shooting guns.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 year ago

I wonder how much money the 4 agencies involved in the raid spent. Like how many months of rent would that equal? At what point would it just be better to send a single officer with a voucher for a months rent? Would cost the public far less and give the family a months relief, allowing them time to save money and get back on their feet.

[-] [email protected] 69 points 1 year ago

Did he suggest an alternate term, or just say 'stop calling it that'?

[-] [email protected] 91 points 1 year ago

100% parent forced letter

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

Found their website. They use a lot of flowery words, but I think you sum it up pretty well.


[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago

Issue one wasn't about abortion, no matter how much people want it to be. Convoluting it with the November abortion rights issue will only give false confidence for the November vote. It's going to be a much tighter vote than what this was. Plenty of people across the political spectrum saw the long reaching implications passing issue one would have and voted it down for being a power grab.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

I thought it was concrete at first. Reality is far, far worse.

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