[-] [email protected] 6 points 8 months ago

Homeostasis is a giant catch-all term for normalizing things in or about the body. In this context, something foreign is introduced to the body (thorn or the tattoo ink) which is affecting the "normal"(equalibrium) state of the body. The body will then do its best to return to this equilibrium, and in these cases, that involves expelling (thorn) or slowly removing (dye) the objects from the body.

I'm going off of memory, but homeostasis also covers our body temperature and chemicals. It's why medical personnel can take blood and learn about issues; there is an expected range for everything to be in. Homeostasis is just that over-all term for "things should be this way". There are dozens of equalizing processes under the term "homeostasis".

[-] [email protected] 12 points 9 months ago

I think the difference can be drawn in parallel to cigarettes: an unfiltered cigarette is worse than a filtered one for smoking. Both are obviously bad for you, but if you're stacking carcinogens and other health concerns, eventually you'll reach someone's breaking point. I don't think anyone is claiming alcohol is healthy, but I also don't think the response should be "it's already unhealthy, so this isn't won't stop anyone". Every risk associated decision we make adds to the statistics pool for whether we get sick. Mitigating that might actually worry someone enough to switch to a healthier (not healthy) form of alcohol consumption.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 9 months ago

But see, here's the thing. They, like, provided us information so we can really ~~formally convict~~ Slam™️ the Republicans they conspired with. That'll show them they were on the wrong side of history this whole time! That has to be worth, idk like, 500 years in jail, right? Waaay better than actually sending literal traitors to our country to jail.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago

I think the defining difference is whether that sharing extends to just friends and family, or if it becomes more egalitarian and extends to everyone. From my experience, Republicans tend to stop at the former, and Democrats tend to stop at the latter. There is also usually differences in what they're willing to share to both parties, namely money.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)


Apparently we have the Dutch to blame for that one, as the verb form is apparently descended from Spanish.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

My biggest advice to anyone who wants to start cooking or is too intimidated to cook: just start doing it. Find a recipe that's simple, follow it to a T and then just keep doing it. You will suck at first, but that's step 1 of any skill. If you cook every night, by month 1 or 2, you'll be significantly better and can expand. Also, whatever time the recipe you looked up says, 1.5 times or double it (especially anything involving cooking onions). You don't have the skills to get it down to that time, and most skip prep work to make it a "quick" recipe.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I wanted to go for an Adventure Time look and feel. Hopefully this hits the mark.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago

I used to have people pay back borrowed lunch money in 5 cent cracker packages. I still remember the time i saved up about $5 in crackers because of one friend's debts.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

To be less cynical, it's possible those venn diagrams don't overlap, or they've changed over time after removing layers of ignorance. There doesn't always need to be massive hypocrisy behind every motive, nor do we need to immediately shove our fingers that direction. Sometimes the world comes around to where people who thought this all along are now given a pulpet with which they will be finally heard.

[-] [email protected] 48 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Would you rather It had a simpler, placeholder name like "X"? Kidding. But after joining a platform named Lemmie, I don't think questioning Mastsdon is the right move. My 2 cents.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeast are eukayotes part of the fungal kingdom you dolt. Although looking at the rest of your comments in this thread, it's clear you're just acting in bad faith for some reason.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've been having that feel too as well as with immediate future choices. I finally might be able to buy a house, but I'm in Florida. So do I put money, time, and effort into a house that'll be under water when I get done paying it off (assuming it isn't destroyed by a hurricane), or do I seriously start looking at moving jobs/states to even have a chance at having a house that will be there in 15 to 20 years? Renting seems like an even worse option since this last year has proven they can just charge 50-100% more and get away with it. And once the house thing gets "solved", now I have to wonder if we ever get our shit together and stop destroying everything in and including the world so the house thing even matters. Idk. This is just a paragraph meant to vent. I don't have an answer for you, because any sane person almost has this gnawing constantly in their heads. Personally, I've just made goals that have been bettering myself and my surroundings as well as the people around me. As for why? I'm not religious, so at this point I figure if I do my best, I can one day die happy knowing I at least tried to do something.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 1 year ago

These changes go against Apple's business model and practices. Forcing USB C will mean they will probably try to add some bullshit software check to their plug in devices so 3rd party hardware makers will once again be shut out. These practices allow Apple to tell their current consumers "don't buy 3rd party stuff. It isn't made well and won't work on our incredible phones". Will that get struck down in the EU again? Probably. Will they make a few billion dollars before it does? Absolutely.

Apple has purposefully avoided moving towards industry standards so they can keep everything in their control. For better or worse, it's actually one if the biggest strengths of Apple products. I know if I buy an iPhone, it's going to work great (until the battery goes), and any of their add on parts are also going to work great because they don't have to design drivers for the 400 different options out there. But that same practice inherently leads to these sort of anti-consumer decisions. Where a decision goes from keeping-in-their-wheelhouse to have-them-by-the-balls.

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