Mushy (3D) - By Me (photos.smugmug.com)
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A little close up macro scene I put together in Blender! I usually do expansive vistas or interiors so this was a nice change of pace for me.

Winter Wonders (3D) - by me (photos.smugmug.com)
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My latest completed project in Blender. We haven't had any snow here yet so I figured I'd make some digital snow instead. It's been a while since I made a snowy scene so it was nice to get back into that again. Also gave me the chance to learn and practice some new terrain tools I got and had been meaning to take for a spin.

Thank you for looking!!

Image description: A long, curved and slightly damaged boardwalk covered in snow and leaf and branch debris flanked on either side by snowy pine trees. A large snowy mountain looms in the foggy distance and is lit by sunlight coming through the clouds of an overcast day.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The title made me think they were responding to users that needed customer support, but no. This:

Meanwhile, when another user lamented the amount of loading screens, the support team replied imploring the reviewer to "consider the amount of data for the expansive gameplay that is procedurally generated to load flawlessly in under three seconds".

is just pathetic. This is nothing more than low-effort damage control. Which, funnily enough, is rather fitting for Starfield in general. It's not a terrible game but it absolutely fell flat on its face on its biggest selling points. Procedural exploration will always have drawbacks but No Man's Sky absolutely smashes Starfield in this department and it came out nearly 8 years ago and made by a team a fraction of the size. And I don't expect Bethesda to put in the same effort as Hello did and make Starfield live up to its promises

[-] [email protected] 141 points 10 months ago

This is a taste of what you can achieve when regulatory bodies actually have the guts to stand up to megacorps.

[-] [email protected] 45 points 10 months ago

This. Twitter is now under ownership and control of a spoiled fascist richboy and this is absolutely 100% transparently clear. This is how the platform is now and it is not going to change. Twitter as we knew it is gone. It's dead and not coming back. Move the hell on, people, please. Stop supporting this absolutely wretched waste of oxygen.

[-] [email protected] 95 points 11 months ago

I think we're starting to see the beginning of YouTube's end. The algorithm is actively choking the life out of the platform, they're forcing viewers to pay fees that seem to keep getting bigger and bigger, and they're making life miserable for creators while also paying them less and less.

Once another platform comes along that ticks enough boxes to satisfy people then YouTube will be absolutely screwed. The only reason we all use that wretched site is because there is no viable alternative. More and more creators are moving to premium platforms like Nebula that offer better deals for viewers and creators alike. I'm likely to jump ship myself once more people I watch also join up.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Apologies for the clickbaity title or for the messy wording to follow. I’m not great at articulating myself.

I’ve been finding myself posting less and less on Beehaw lately and that my enthusiasm for it is fading, and I have been trying to figure out why I personally have felt this way. Beehaw is, in theory, a great community with a solid foundation built on a good code of conduct and mission statement. This is the place that many of us wanted to find, especially those of us who long for the days of webforums and wanted that sense of community that Reddit never really provided.

I think I have figured out why now. Simply put: The vast majority of content posted to Beehaw is news. Much of that news ranges from mostly negative to downright doomscrolling doomerism. There is very little community engagement or discussion going on, just page after page of news. I don’t follow most news-heavy communities, so if I change my sorting then it will filter out some of it but then the posts I see are days to even weeks old. If I sort by Local - New then it is just page after page of news, most of it with very few or zero comments. And this is with several news-centric communities (like US news) already blocked.

Maybe this is just me or maybe some of you feel the same way, I’m not sure. Or maybe it’s just that this Reddit-styled UI doesn’t lend itself well to other types of engagement; I don’t know. But I was hoping to find more here than just another news aggregator. I was hoping Beehaw would be a more positive, uplifting, inclusive place.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Apologies for the clickbaity title or for the messy wording to follow. I'm not great at articulating myself.

I've been finding myself posting less and less on Beehaw lately and that my enthusiasm for it is fading, and I have been trying to figure out why I personally have felt this way. Beehaw is, in theory, a great community with a solid foundation built on a good code of conduct and mission statement. This is the place that many of us wanted to find, especially those of us who long for the days of webforums and wanted that sense of community that Reddit never really provided.

I think I have figured out why now. Simply put: The vast majority of content posted to Beehaw is news. Much of that news ranges from mostly negative to downright doomscrolling doomerism. There is very little community engagement or discussion going on, just page after page of news. I don't follow most news-heavy communities, so if I change my sorting then it will filter out some of it but then the posts I see are days to even weeks old. If I sort by Local - New then it is just page after page of news, most of it with very few or zero comments. And this is with several communities already blocked.

Maybe this is just me or maybe some of you feel the same way, I'm not sure. Or maybe it's just that this Reddit-styled UI doesn't lend itself well to other types of engagement; I don't know. But I was hoping to find more here than just another news aggregator. I was hoping Beehaw would be a more positive, uplifting, inclusive place.

[-] [email protected] 43 points 1 year ago

court staffed entirely by old people

Isn't that most courts?

The Gardens (3D) (photos.smugmug.com)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My attempt at playing around with vines and trying to make a photo-like scene in Blender! There are a few things I wish I tweaked but I'm mostly happy with it! And Blender didn't even crash once, which is probably the most surprising part.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 1 year ago

Good. I wish more games went back into the oven for more time instead of being forced out.

[-] [email protected] 53 points 1 year ago

SEO and AI-generated clickbait have basically ruined most search engines. I've yet to find one that can really tackle this properly. I believe Kagi offers higher quality results but I can't really verify that myself as I don't have an account with them.

[-] [email protected] 61 points 1 year ago

Honestly? As I get older and as the tech industry chokes itself to death in pursuit of infinite profit, I find myself doing more and more things away from the computer or the internet at the very least. Spending time outside doing stuff, exercising, reading books, partaking in art or other creative pursuits, having pets, etc. I have really dialed back my social media involvement and I hardly ever use my phone now.

The internet is absolute garbage now. It's a completely unregulated trash fire that is only getting hotter as more gasoline gets dumped on it. The internet I grew up with, the internet of seemingly endless possibility and unfathomable amounts of information, is long gone. Search results (from any engine) are all SEO trash, websites are just AI-generated garbage covered in ads, and every app or service is a subscription that promises to suck even more money out of my bank account for basic services. Not to mention that all of the above will also monitor every single bit of my activity and sell it to third party buyers. If tech is just going to exist to be an ad-delivery platform then I can do without it. People did for decades, centuries, and we can too.

This bubble is going to pop eventually. It not might be today or tomorrow, but it is going to happen. This is not sustainable.

The Summoning - 3D Art (photos.smugmug.com)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Some experimentation in Blender that way overboard. The final render time ended up being 13 and a half hours. I wanted to add more detail to the scene and clean a few things up, but my computer simply couldn't handle any more. Oh well, I'm not entirely unhappy with the result.

Made in Blender with some touching up in Photoshop!

Sun Catcher (beehaw.org)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A little something I threw together as a test in Blender, but it ended up turning out better than I thought! Made in Blender with some post processing in Potatochop.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 1 year ago

I'm not normally a huge fan of defederation but in this case I very much support it. Fuck Meta and its services. They are one of the most actively malicious companies towards the health of the internet and its users that exists today. This was seen immediately with Threads' privacy policy the moment it was made available.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Is there some way to use other formatting or style themes for Lemmy? I find the layout, especially after the recent update, to be very visually confusing and my brain is having a hard time parsing things. Everything looks the same with very little visual indication what is a reply to what. Kind of like how I couldn't read old Reddit and had a much easier time with their new layout.

Thank you!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Title not directed at anyone in particular, but rather me venting in general.

As a person with ASD, I often struggle with trying to keep up with and understanding the world around me, especially other people. I frequently need to ask people to repeat what they're saying or ask them to expand or clarify on what they've said so I can understand it better. I also sometimes don't remember things properly or my memory just poops out entirely and I don't remember something at all.

And time and time again all of this gets met with passive-aggression and lack of patience. Snippy remarks, sighs, scoffs, etc are all too common and it makes me anxious and afraid to converse with people, especially those that I know have less patience for me than others.

Some examples of things that really hit hard for me are things like: "I already told you," "Like I said...." "Didn't you get it?" "Wasn't that clear?" "Don't you remember?"

Stuff like that just cuts deep when all you were doing was trying your best to fit in the conversation. So if any neurotypical people are reading this then please try your best to have patience for people that might not be getting what you're saying right away. Some of us need a bit more time and energy to process things.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 1 year ago

I give it a year before it's shut down. This is Google, after all.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 1 year ago

The Google Graveyard grows ever larger. Nearly at 300 now.

[-] [email protected] 64 points 1 year ago

Good! Meta has proven time and time again that them and their services are not to be trusted. Deplatforming that trashfire before it even starts is a smart move.

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