This is talking about the population of immunocompromised people, eg, people on immunosuppressants. It is not saying that the entire population of America is immunocompromised
As a former Mormon, the Trinity issue always seemed like a bogus distinction. I'm sure you can find plenty of sects you would label "Christian" that also believe God the Father and Jesus are separate, distinct entities
I think you can read between the lines. This lady was literally tracking her husband constantly and confronting him about his whereabouts.
There was no mention of 'giving grief'.
There was definitely the implication. She said he wouldn't admit to going to get fast food. That means she gave him grief over it, after catching him in the "lie"
Just a heads up, you shouldn't use mouthwash, it fucks up the bacteria balance in your mouth. Kills the good along with the bad, which can allow the bad to take over
That is a bubble and you should not invest in cocoa beans ffs
It's a great game.
Gini is a measure of inequality, not a measure of how many have more than some threshold of income. It doesn't say anything about how many China has lifted out of poverty relative to India
The friendly heavies on that server were infuriating
These e-polycules are getting out of hand ๐ณ