[-] [email protected] 88 points 6 months ago

Like really…Boeing is that dirty? Surely not?

I mean they were willing to knowingly keep producing unsafe air planes which lead to several crashes killing 100's. So yeah, I really wouldn't be surprised if they also do assassination to ensure their profit.

[-] [email protected] 56 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

So it's Jewish owned and you automatically assume that this never could have been put up by the owner because he's Jewish and of course has to support Israel? That's quite a bigoted conclusion of you.

I got a surprise for you, there's quite a bit of Jews actively speaking out against Israel current bombings of civilians.

[-] [email protected] 132 points 7 months ago

Oh but it's not buying! The big "Buy" or "Purchase" button might have said so, but if you'd have careful read through 35 pages of user agreements, you'd see that you only rent the license to stream it.

Which obviously is total bullshit and the whole fucking system should be burned to the ground.

[-] [email protected] 148 points 9 months ago

Nah, it's just a old school chat bot following a predefined flow chart. And in this flowchart someone implemented an improper email check.

It's pretty much the same as if there was just a website with an email field which then complains about a non valid email which in fact is very valid. And this is pretty common, the official email definition isn't even properly followed by most mail providers (long video but pretty funny and interesting if you're interested in the topic).

[-] [email protected] 51 points 9 months ago

Super! Mehr Privatisierung hat doch schon immer zu mehr Qualität im ÖV geführt, oder? Oder????

[-] [email protected] 48 points 9 months ago

Also I thought the troublemakers were Antifa? Why are they protecting Antifa?

[-] [email protected] 47 points 9 months ago

Es ist einfach nur lächerlich, dass die NPD nicht verboten wurde weil sie zu klein und unbedeutend war und gleichzeitig die AfD nicht verboten werden soll weil sie zu gross ist und zu viele Unterstützer hat.

Wurde also die goldene Mitte zwischen den beiden Punkten verpasst und jetzt hat man den Salat? Das kann es ja wirklich nicht sein!

[-] [email protected] 51 points 9 months ago

The pop up may have been triggered by a technical glitch before they wanted it to. But the whole feature of course was not only developed but implemented into the live version of the game.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 10 months ago

And will only get even more bolder as a consequence. It's quite fascinating how that shit head is exposing so many flaws in the current political system. And yet very little is done about it.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 11 months ago

I can't imagine how happy the people at SpaceX were when he got into the whole Twitter mud pile. There's nothing worse for a company than a stupid CEO who way overestimates his own capability and constantly micromanages shit that a CEO shouldn't even care about.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 11 months ago

First of all I really wouldn't put much weight on the voting results in an area where Hamas uses violence for decades to keep in power. Especially if there isn't any semblance of a modern democratic state such as regular(!!) elections, freedom of speech and a free press. A 1-2 generation long youth indoctrination like the Nazis did also really doesn't create an educated and politically mature population.

And of course 53% still leaves a huge amount of people who aren't in favour. Not to mention that there is a 70+ year long ongoing conflict which has left pretty much no one in Gaza (or Israel for that matter) who doesn't know someone getting hurt or killed by the opposing side's actions. It's hardly surprising that there's hard feeling (major understatement) in a lot of people.

And lastly we certainly wouldn't want to use public opinion as justification for killing civilians. That's the reasoning the likes of Osama bin Laden do to justify shit like 9/11.

TL;DR: This conflict is complicated as hell and basically a self fueling cycle of hatred where even the good side is acting very shitty a lot of times.

[-] [email protected] 48 points 1 year ago

Wenn das wirklich so ist, könnten sie ihre Lobbyisten mal für was nützliches brauchen und Druck auf die "bürgerlichen" Parteien ausüben.

Mann kann ja noch träumen.

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