
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

À 3 c'est cool, rejoignez moi 🥹

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Pas vraiment. Enfin si, durant mon bprea, j'ai fais un stage apiculture de 2 semaines :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

En tout cas, c'était une chouette expérience la production de miel :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Oups, j'ai mixé mon mégafil et ce com.

Oui elle est tatilonne, mais ça vaut le coup de tout faire en 1 seul endroit. :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (5 children)

Ya un wiki francophone sur le fédiverse. J'y ais participé et mis de coté après avoir traduis de gros blocs. ;)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (12 children)

Jolies ruches, vous faites du miel là bas ? C'est quoi comme varièté d'abeilles ?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

And lemmy, when you use filter new and new comment is almost exactly like mastodon. :)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago

1 Boîte de réception

@[email protected] pour [email protected] • How would you feel about Lemmy being able to pull in hashtags from the Fediverse? 1•

It’s more about the quality of the content: you posted more than a couple hundred characters and thus were able to clearly outline what you wanted, why, and how you thought that would improve things.

Mastodon has the twitter problem where it’s short-form hot-takes and basically no good long-form content, other than like, to link to somewhere else for the good content.

I don’t have a lot of use for that kind of content especially in a format where it’s hard to respond to and have an actual conversation. Most twitter-clone UIs don’t do a good job of threading and nesting comments in a way that you can easily follow along and have conversations with the people engaged in discussion.

I’m old and like the forum-style interface where people can write out a complete thought, engage in a formatted discussion that’s easy to follow along with, and does so in a way that lets other people easily hop in at any point.

So I’d say it’s less about the idea of unifying platforms on a single identity (which I think is a great idea and firmly agree that having some sort of Fediverse SSO would make this a lot easier of a sell for less technical users) but more that dumping a pile of low-quality content into a place with reasonably good content isn’t actually improving anything.

(I would also qualify this with a comment that I’m old enough that my first “fediverse service” was FidoNet, so I’m reasonably sure I have a different opinion on the value of a well-designed platform for a single specific task vs making one that can do everything for everyone.)

Interesting, thank for sharing your experience. :)

Yes, we need a short of fediverse SSO. I think nomadic account as hubzilla one would fit it nicely. For the SSO, i imagine is as our email address. And the alias are fedi-account. We may guide user to find their server : do you wwrite lenghty or short message ? Are you on phone or PC ? Which UI ddo you prefer ?

Well i often miss forum period because the content was better that was phpbb golden era. I see twitter/mastodon message as a live chat format where you can find someone talking about your interest with hashtag. It’s where i can take a break and share a bit of my life and see what’s going on. Compared to lemmy, i find mastodon more playful.

I use mastodon for political post because of their anoying and useful text limitation. I love debating. The problem is that with some users it ended up to a full scale nuclear wars where i spent lot time write to defend my stance. I’m the kind of guy to believe in police and anarchy, so you understand how it can end up very badly.

The 500 characters help me to keep quiet and don’t fall in a needlessy argumentation. And the fact i didn’t setup as an all-in software allow me to isolate when i need some love. :)

For Iceshrimp, it’s a cross-over between mastodon and lemmy with one of the most beautiful UI. I have 3000 characters and it’s a good balance between lenghty text and short of. I only miss the forum UI.


La militante écologiste suédoise participera à la mobilisation contre l’autoroute A69 entre Toulouse et Castres ce samedi 10 février, ont annoncé des collectifs organisateurs. Le rassemblement a été interdit par les autorités

Christophe Ramond, président du Conseil départemental du Tarn, a adressé un communiqué, cité par l’Agence France-Presse (AFP), à l’activiste : « Chère Greta Thunberg […] l’autoroute A69 répond à un besoin vital pour le Tarn et ses habitants », a-t-il écrit, ajoutant que son département « n’a aucune leçon à recevoir en matière de développement durable ».

Le préfet du Tarn a interdit le rassemblement de ce week-end, évoquant « des risques de troubles majeurs à l’ordre public ». Ce vendredi après-midi, à la veille de la mobilisation, quelque 90 gendarmes sont intervenus aux abords du camp des activistes, faisant usage de gaz lacrymogène

Complètement zinzins. Qu'ils aillent se faire cuire un oeuf d'autruche.



Les associations, Alsace Nature, Mountain Wilderness, SOS Massif des Vosges et Lorraine Nature Environnement, s’associent pour dénoncer les faits suivant :  

Le 29 décembre dernier, alertés par des phares sur la route des Américains, des citoyens se sont étonnés et ont alerté les associations de protection de la nature. Après plusieurs vérifications et interrogations des membres locaux, nous avons pu reconstituer partiellement les événements.


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Ça prépare l'arrivée de Greta.


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Hideo Kojima is quite busy lately, as the veteran developer has multiple projects in the works at his studio Kojima Productions. A recent trailer for Death Stranding 2: On The Beach showed off more story, gameplay, and creepy puppets for the sequel, and over at Microsoft, Kojima is aiming to push the envelop on horror with the mysterious OD. Beyond those projects, Kojima is also returning to his action-espionage roots.

Interview with English subtitle (1h) :


OP : [email protected] - Le dos au mur, Gérard Larcher annonce "procéder à un signalement auprès du procureur de la République" au titre de l’article 40 concernant l’affaire du chantage à la sextape exercé sur un sénateur.

Le président du Sénat n'a guère le choix, la lettre du médecin de l'institution fait le tour des bureaux et suscite la stupeur. Le praticien balance tout ce que Larcher a tenté de dissimuler...

Lettre du médecin du Sénat



La deuxième vague de nominations au gouvernement donne la couleur : attaquer les droits des chômeurs, des malades, des seniors, des mal-logés et des enseignants sous prétexte d’efficacité.


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Pisourd | L'implant cochléaireLes Sourds et Sourdes à travers l'Histoire • Chansigne

Et voici un petit brouillon qui regroupe mes posts créé avec tout un ensemble de liens autour de l'histoire des Sourdes et Sourd. Peut-être que je le complèterais avec des portraits ou ressources :)

En attendant, Bonne lecture ! 😁👍


Suggestion de mégafils et tutos

Vous aimez les mégafils et tutos ? Vous pouvez les retrouver sur le lien ci-dessous, créer les votre ou en suggérer de nouveau :)

#LSF #Histoire #Sourd #AbbeEpee #AgeOr #11Gallaudet #Gallaudets #NASA #ReveilSourd


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Hop est sur le wiki : :)

J'ai aussi mis à jour leur page sur lemmy et créé des pages sur thunder et jerboa :

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hop est sur le wiki : :)

J'ai aussi mis à jour leur page sur lemmy et créé des pages sur thunder et jerboa :


Voici les crèpes de Raymond Olivier, à point nommée après un mois de janvier quelque peu sec. ☺️


Un post très interessant à lire, en anglais. Ça ouvre de belles perspectives :)

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Mastodon is a great platform. I have an account there, and I have been using it as a twitter replacement for several months. I have been using nostr for around two months. I have also read fairly deeply into how Mastodon and Nostr work. I think nostr is better. Here's why.


Mastodon and Nostr offer basically the same thing: a federated/decentralized replacement to twitter. They share the same basic features: tweeting, following people, a public square w/ trending notes and hashtags moderated by instance rules, DMs.

Mastodon/Lemmy/Kbin all federate through an underlying protocol called ActivityPub. You create an account at an instance which you use to interact with these sites. Your instance can push/pull data to other instances via the AP protocol.

Nostr is an underlying protocol, like ActivityPub. The main service is hosts currently, called Nostr, is a twitter clone, but there's other stuff like a video streaming platform. They all federate with each other just like Mastodon/Lemmy/Kbin. There is no reddit clone on nostr yet, but I imagine it's only a matter of time.

Instead of "instances", nostr has "relays". The app or site you connect to nostr through will usually connect to multiple relays (just like your mastodon instance will connect to multiple other instances). Relays, like instances, have their own moderation policies and can choose what kind of content they allow.

Here's why I think nostr simply works better:

  • In mastodon your identity is tied to your instance, in nostr it's not. If your instance decides to close up? You have to make a new account somewhere else. You lose all your followers, the list of who you follow, your tweets, your DMs, etc. This sucks. This happened to me early in my mastodon experience. It was annoying, but it would be way more annoying if I had spent five years building up that account.
  • In mastodon, your instance can stop you from seeing content from other instances and ban users from other instances. It can stop you from following them or being followed by them. While this moderation might be nice sometimes, I'd rather it be opt-in than mandatory. Nostr relays don't have this power. Nostr doesn't allow this because you are usually connected to multiple relays. While a single relay can do this (as each relay sets its own policies), as long as one relay you are connected to lets the data flow, you are good to go.
  • In mastodon, admins can read your DMs. If you DM somebody on another instance, that's two instances that can read your DMs, and so can anybody who breaks into their server. In nostr, all DMs are encrypted by default and can only be read by the intended recipient.
  • If mastodon and fediverse's goals are to create a P2P or federated network of instances, having users tied to instances is not good. It incentivizes users to pick bigger, more stable instances which will lead to centralization over time.

A question of funding

One question that fediverse needs to solve is: how are we going to fund hosting costs for instances and more broadly, development?

There are many valid options such as: ads on instances, selling "badges" or awards like reddit, subscriptions for extra features, etc. What is not a sustainable plan, imo, is just hoping users donate enough to keep things afloat. Open source and free software projects have a long history of being underfunded leading to them closing up shop or not reaching their full potential. Nostr at least has a potential answer for this, while AP/fedi don't really seem to yet.

Nostr has an optional built-in tipping functionality where you can leave tips for users whose content you like. You can tip a fraction of a penny or $100. And users can tip you. This has a few effects. For one, it incentivizes people to use nostr. Non-profit orgs, for example, can use it to fundraise.

Secondly, it provides a sustainable funding mechanisms for relays and development. When you make a tip, it goes through your "tip pool" and you can select people or entities to give a % of every tip to. So, for example, you can leave a 10c tip on a tweet and 1c automatically goes to the relay operator.

Where Mastodon/AP is better:

  • Mastodon has more people I want to follow. There is a greater user base and diversity.
  • Mastodon has a more consistent interface. Pretty much every mastodon site looks the same. Nostr has a dizzying array of apps and web portals. That's great for user choice, not great for user onboarding.
  • While nostr relays in theory can filter content and cultivate public squares with specific sets of values, I've found in practice this hasn't been done as much, most relays seem the same. I think in time as the user base grows this will happen organically, there's just little reason to separate them out now.
  • Password recovery/account loss. With nostr, your identity is a private key generated by your client. This means your identity isn't tied to an instance (yay!). But, if you lose the private key, you lose your identity and have to make a new one. Likewise, if somebody steals your key, they can post as you. And there is no real password recovery functionality since nobody else has your password. There are good technical solutions for this like social account recovery and key revocation certificates but they aren't currently implemented. I imagine they will be with time.
  • Mastodon/Lemmy/Kbin/etc can all talk to each other through ActivityPub. While Nostr's underlying protocol supports this kind of federation, the twitter clone is the main platform with users on it and it doesn't have a reddit clone etc.
  • The AP username format of [email protected] is much better than nostrs long public keys. There are some nostr protocol proposals to make this better, some of which are out there and working, but it's not really standardized yet.
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