So in a choice between arrest and killing innocents, choosing to kill innocents is moral somehow?
I could write a long tirade on the terrifying flaws of this logic, but instead I’ll just share a reminder that barely anyone is the villain of their own story.
If Magnitsky case haven’t taught us anything… this will likely teach us nothing either.
“Counterrevolutionary” is a word devised in order to avoid saying “rules for thee by not for me”.
You’re telling on yourself by claiming those peppers to be unavailable in Europe. I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought cilantro to be exclusively American at this point.
Sounds a lot like US House of Representatives, but in this case I don’t see why not.
As we all know, siphoning of the power to the small percentage of people had never happened prior to capitalism.
I mean, Schwarzschild radius shows that for a medium of constant density (and on a large scale, Universe is fairly uniform) there is an upper limit of a radius of a ball comprised of said medium above which it will form an event horizon.
Which means that an infinite universe of non-zero density is either a bloody paradox (spend a minute deciding where exactly event horizons should form and whether there will be gaps), or our understanding of gravity and spacetime breaks on ginormous scales just as it does on micro ones.
PS: I have seen no physicists talk about this, so there’s a good chance that there’s a simple resolution to the problem and I’m just stupid.
- USA is not the most diverse country (its ethnic fractionalization index is below that of Moldova - or
- Out of listed countries, the only one that exhibits clear signs of ethnonationalism is Russia (although I have to admit to be fairly ignorant on state of things in Argentina)
- Lumping Russia with its former colonies screams “ignorance”
- Grabbing a bunch of countries from the oldest trade route and thinking they are gonna be ethnically homogenous echoes the previous scream
- Me spending time on this post is a clear evidence of procrastination
- Poland has universal healthcare, walkable cities, affordable intra- and intercity public transportation, and provides free higher education to its citizens
- Moldova provides free education to its citizens and has universal healthcare
- Even Russia has a still working universal healthcare (terrible by many standards, but still beats US) and provides higher education to its citizens
- Argentina has universal healthcare and offers free higher education to it’s citizens
- Why am I still procrastinating? Send help!
USA is a dominant superpower though.
Problem with money is that money only have value when people are willing to exchange money for goods and services.
The moment that exchange stops, value of money plummets.
A very good analogy I saw in Charles Stross’ “Neptune’s brood” is that money is a concrete representation of an abstract debt. Exchange materializes that debt into a trade, which is where valuation happens. I’m pretty sure I just made a lot of economists justifiably angry though
Lid the pot. Evaporative cooling is a bitch.