They're called Zoomers.
And the outlets don't make the connection that their readers are telling them to stop shoveling AI-generated garbage at them?
It's not enough to just own a rocket company... the rocket company also needs to have rockets.
Should probably have dictated the ultimatum first, before firing anyone, so they could self-select the departures. Then, if it's not enough, cut some more to get the final numbers the manglers want.
Travel between worksites is on the clock.
We've demonstrated for years now that home is a worksite.
I'm happy to drive in to the company office from my personal office, so long as my commute time is on the clock.
Eroding that boundary can also be in your favor... I can step away from the desk for a few minutes to start my laundry, prep something for dinner, or even just go to the grocery store during "lunch" because I can bring the food straight back home since I'm not far away from home at an office. Working remotely is giving me back time. And this isn't time "lost" from the employer's perspective... I'm just doing something useful with my break times rather than wandering down to the water-cooler to chat with other employees.
The trick is to allow only the erosion that you find acceptable. That's a matter of personal organization and self-control, and each person has to set up a system that works best for them. I use a spare bedroom as my office, and I only go in there during working hours. Everything work-related stays in there.
This... I recently took a fully-remote position, but my wife is hybrid so we're still tied down.
...exactly the way you used to do it when you went to work at the office every day.
To real hell? Or made-up hell?
The charged particles that affect our electrical and electronic systems have mass and therefore cannot travel at the speed of light... We can see the visible light effects of a flare and know that the slower-moving particles that will cause actual damage are on the way.
They flew the plane just fine...
It was the landing where they struggled.
But, to be fair, it was on a short runway (for the plane) in heavy rain and with a 15 knot tailwind (the maximum allowable).
How ironic.