I actually think Disco Elysium helped popularize the style a bit just before the AI-image boom stuff.
Gini indexes of China and India compared show very similar features...
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354686685/figure/fig2/AS:1069644047724544@1632034422625/Gini-Coefficient-of-China-Brazil-and-India.png link because it won't load the image correctly I think
EDIT2: Actually used the correct link
but I feel less assurance when I write a text only to get a response about an hour or two later
Geez. This is just insecurity on your part. I wouldn't want a partner that needs me to respond that quickly.
I'm not saying your behavior is weird, because a lot of people have those expectations nowadays.
20 years ago you would have to be lucky to call someone when they're home.
That reflection in the mirror makes no sense
It's because creating more complex system requires more than a linear increase in development and then the development system has to also be more complex because it requires more people and communication between them gets harder. Everything grows exponentially.
I just think that fundamentally, the games we imagine and are promised that should be possible with the processing power we have today is just impossible to create because the systems are just too complex(costs too many hours of skilled labor, impossible to earn back).
AAA games mostly seem like prettier versions of games from late 200x's. Moment to moment everything is higher fidelity but the gameplay systems are just the same.
(I haven't played the game but mostly because Skyrim was also mostly boring to me because the gameplay systems were actually really shallow and I didn't care about the "wow big open world" anymore because its not a novelty anymore)
No, it doesn't have to be.
Google "starfield 45 minute gameplay" and its the first result?
Open office I worked at constantly had music playing("Just put on headphones", management being too dumb/selfcentered to understand that that raises the noise floor and makes it so people have to talk louder) and people constantly calling.
Small business owners be like
As an AI language model I can provide some information on chatbot usage on the internet. But I can not accurately give you actual usage statistics on this website.
But have you considered;
Bin Laden's family is extremely rich?