OS: ~~Lint Minux~~ Linux Mint
WM: Openbox
Panel: tint2 (The YoRHa button is the applications menu, Bunker # is Desktop number)
Programs shown: Firefox, Rofi, Neofetch and Codingfetch
Not shown: Background of greeter is the blank background of the pause menu, also the applications menu is styled much like Rofi
Wallpaper: image
TODOs: This poster has the window colors down, but I'd like to also go a step further with building an icon set too.
Also, anyone good with Rofi theme configs? Current. I'm trying to get it to look like the item menu with the ❖ on the left and quantity (for this, just "1", nothing fancy) on the right. I can get spacing there but content, str, icon... nothing displays in the space.
When it bears repeating, let's make it recursive.