This is embarrassing but I cried when SHillary lost to Trump
That remains one of the funniest nights of my life, I literally woke myself up laughing the next morning.
Once upon a time my lib ass somehow thought racism and sexism were both basically solved in the US. I got into an argument with someone against affirmative action and reparations.
Beans and bullets! It's always beans and bullets!
Ostara, the name of the holiday we actually celebrated, is on the equinox, Easter stole a ton of traditions but slightly changed the day.
It's a celebration of spring, new life and fertility. Eggs and rabbits are both symbols of fertility hence their co-option into Easter. The history of Ostara herself is really interesting as you can actually trace her beginnings back Ishtar, one of humanity's easiest known deities.
I think the answer is tons of coke.
I can't think of a single other game that has redeemed itself nearly as well. The dev's over promised in the beginning but they sure as shit weren't grifting.
There was 16cents in it lol
Oh hell yes! this update is actually adding depth to game not just more breadth.
I haven't played either in long time so I'll take your word for it. To be fair I was juvenile and edgy when Fallout 2 came out so I probably have some pretty colored memories.
Fallout 2 is even better then 1. I haven't played in years but I bet they're some of the few games that still hold up.
I just wonder if it's a simple generational thing where whatever you grow up with becomes the baseline compared to which anything older looks increasingly primitive and impenetrable
Maybe for some people but I started gaming on DOS and NES and for the most part I dislike old games. I have tons of nostalgia for stuff like Myst and Golden Eye but going back to play them is just not fun. A part of my problem might be that I get motion sick and old games can be really bad for that. Original NES games can still be fun, super mario 3 will remain one of the best games ever made.
Dark Forces (1995) just got remastered and its just as great as I remember it when I was a kid. Not sure if I can still pull off an unarmed hard play through but i do some how still remember where most of the secret areas are.