
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 82 points 6 months ago (1 children)

The chains being referred to here are molecular chains, not mechanical ones.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Google en-passant

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Length * width is area, not "square area". This is what I meant at the end of my comment. It's just a nitpick.

The start of my comment refers to your strange metric of unit area per unit time for which you have no doubt still not run the numbers.

You complain about what you call "edge cases" (somehow 22h a day is an edge case) then immediately bring up people with disabilities. No one here wants to make disabled people's lives harder. They may need cars and everyone still needs buses and trucks.

What we don't need is your shitty SUV which drives you to work and back for a grand total of an hour a day. It's a huge, wasteful, and inefficient wellness centre spanning several square metres and weighing multiple tons only to carry a single person. Due to their terrible inefficiency and choice of fuel they not only waste space but actively worsen the air for everyone around them.

As for parking, no, we do not manage fine. Have you ever been to a major city? Then you will know that parked cars line both sides of most streets, taking up valuable space for 22h a day in the middle of a dense city. It's insane. Fortunately some cities are trending towards closing streets in the city centre to cars and making them available only to pedestrians and bikes. It's beautiful and benefits everyone.

Cars are objectively the worse and more selfish option compared to many others in a densely populated city, yet you somehow insist they are equals because it would be wrong to shit on one over the other. But sure, we're the morons :')

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Your metric is completely worthless. Why compare that? Cars and bikes spend upwards of 22h a day parked somewhere, taking up space while not moving. A city has limited steet space, cars simply do not make sense. Even in american car-centric cities you get large-scale traffic jams every morning. Does your calculation still hold in the real world?

Calling others morons and saying they believe in rubbish is rich coming from someone who evidently didn't bother spending 3 minutes to think about what they actually wrote.

("square area" is also not the correct unit)

[–] [email protected] 38 points 1 year ago

So you code in Rust?