submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

While LLMs have been used for... a lot, it seems like this use might be one where it's not only reliable but it appears to outperform existing methods of image compression. Being able to cram more data into less space tends to lead to interesting developments, so I will be keeping my eye on this.

What do you guys think? Seem like it's deserving of less hype than I'm giving it? What kind of security holes do you think this could open?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I don't know if I'm just becoming overly sensitive to my own language or if this is an actual issue, so feel free to let me know if it seems that I just need to grow thicker skin, but still.

I keep getting this uneasy feeling whenever I use the word "lame" and I think it's because I'm starting to realize it's technically ableist. However, there's no single non-profane word that I know of that fits the niche that I use it in.

For example, I wrote out something earlier about a behavior I do that I don't like that I do because I think it's kind of shitty behavior, but it's overall harmless. I use lame to describe it casually. I could also call it kind of shitty, as I did before, but not to audiences that I don't want to use profanity around.

Anyone know of a word I can replace "lame" with?

I'd say maybe weak, but that's got its own baggage that I'm not sure I'm ok with switching to. Annoying is too strong of a word for what I'm going for. Maybe lame is a short word for "this makes me feel slightly sad"?

Idk, so I open it up to the public: Is this even an issue or am I being too sensitive? Could this be solved in a single replacement word or do I need a whole ass phrase to express this?

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

Ok, Mr. Moneybags who's never had an overdraft fee

(JK, I don't know you or your life, in case the reading comprehensionless mob comes for me)

[-] [email protected] 57 points 1 year ago

Bosses self reporting as dumbasses, as usual

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Conservatives dream of seeing her get spanked, the fucking perverts.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago

I was under the impression it was primarily " if it isn't broken, then don't fix it" levels of tradition.

I could be wrong though, so if someone with more creds than a random internet dweller comes along, feel free to ignore me.

Heck, if you think I'm an idiot, feel free to ignore me :)

[-] [email protected] 37 points 1 year ago

You know what's hyper fucked?

Back when I was a baby republican (read: a parentally brainwashed child) and just learning about gerrymandering in school, my reaction was basically "well that's shitty, but at least it's the people I like doing it".

I'm pretty sure that's very common thinking amongst hardened republicans. I don't even know how you convince someone to not be like that either, I just changed when I was out from under my parents boot and finally allowed to learn about the political effects of racism.

Tldr; common think pattern leads me to believe Texas is fucked until reepublicans lose their power there.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago

That's the "lgbtq+" multiplier and it ends your presidential campaign in scandal

[-] [email protected] 24 points 1 year ago

"If you spiral into the grave, your cost of living goes down by 100%!" - some jackass at the wsj soon, probably

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago

I started with venting but that's not what deserves attention here imo. I hope the sex workers get the support and resources they need. If anyone else is super heated about this the way I am, here's a link from the article that you can give a donation to if you want to

this is why Christians disgust me and why I distinguish between Christians (these sorts of shitty people) and christians, which i define as people who actually act in ways that would make Jesus proud. These capital C mother fuckers are worse than Satan and proud of it. I'd say all sorts of nasty cursed things at them, but then I'd be using Christian vocabulary, and I would rip out my own tongue before I stoop that fucking low.

Tldr; there is no hate as vile nor evil as Christian love.

The things they do in Jesus' name should bring them shame, but their brains are fucking broken at this point.

I could go on forever about this, so I'll stop now.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

I do web dev and I can say I was super guilty of this back in the 2010s. I bit the hype hard, and now we're getting right back to the circumstances that made ie such a POS to work with. (In my defense, I got my dev job in 2013 and had to develop for ie6. It's not a good defense, but I think that really lead to my overhype for google. I had no knowledge of chrome's bloated whale carcass days, so it always felt like the browser that "just worked โ„ข")

Market monopoly inspires evil in the good intentioned. Market monopoly also inspires nefariousness in the evil.

I'd say this is the sort of thing that inspired Google to remove the "don't be evil" from their guidelines.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago

Probably when "I use ie to download chrome" became a mainstream meme.

Unfortunately this is a money-ocracy (data-exploitation-ocracy), not a democracy.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

The only issue I currently take with it is when it's presented as real. Otherwise, creative writing is a good thing in general. It's like the set of emotions one uses to approach the content with is different when one thinks it's real vs when one knows it's fake, and people get real sore when they feel like their emotions have been exploited for any reason, even if it's only for internet points that don't matter for anything.

I really hadn't considered the trauma perspective, I seriously don't understand why someone would fake a story about enduring trauma for internet points... But that's my perspective.

Personally, when I find out reddit stories are fake, I usually just feel a little annoyed and roll my eyes, but then I move on. I don't think it's really anything to beat yourself over. Keep writing, just advertise it for what it actually is (just my opinion of what the best path forward is though, this is not a command lol)

In the words of one of my favorite memes that I'm too lazy to learn how to link right now: '"who would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?"

[-] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago

Debbie downer here! If you're having a good day, I don't want to harsh it, so skip me! :)

Apparently my mood's been off enough this week that it's been effecting people around me negatively and now I have to get restarted on meditating to hopefully fix it. But at least I do have that one option, I definitely haven't always had a path to follow when it comes to mood/feeling stuff. It just feels precarious because it's like, if this doesn't work, what comes next?

Idk, maybe this is a feeble attempt at crowdsourcing what comes next, because if that doesn't work, idk what I'll do. Probably will just shrug and try to keep moving at the very worst, it's all one can do sometimes.

But it's not all terrible, my cat is healthy, I have a job, and I have friends, so there's that :)

Tldr; this is me venting that emotions are difficult little bastards

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