This post reminded me to give up and close my tabs. 1378 tabs closed.
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The bit where OP didn't understand counter-revolutionary killed me
I wouldn't call them "counter-revolutionary" as there's nothing revolutionary about supporting the status quo
Libs: I support Taiwan because China is bad
Leftists: do you support the 11 dash line then?
Libs: ???
And the latest in cheat devices
Brake dust is bad but tire dust is the real issue
Emissions Analytics has found that adding 1,000 pounds to a midsize vehicle increased tire wear by about 20 percent, and also that Tesla’s Model Y generated 26 percent more tire pollution than a similar Kia hybrid. EVs’ more aggressive torque, which translates into faster acceleration, is another factor that creates more tire particulate mile for mile compared to similar internal combustion engine cars.
It's pretty hard to make a 27,000km ring
Seems like a poor allocation of resources, they'd need a much bigger loop or much better colliders to get anything really interesting out of it
The numbers of votes cast will be pretty grim