[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

She's just like me fr fr

[-] [email protected] 13 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

transphobia, sad, familyI wanna cry, still years away from getting to somewhere I could transition, and I have no solid plans, waiting for things to get more stable before I even really plan too far.

it hurts knowing I'm gonna be cutting off family, interacting with them is, difficult now too, there's a feeling in the back of my head telling me how disgusting they'd think I am and how they'd reject me if they knew, and it's very hard to ignore and to just interact normally, the "love" and care they give me feels hollow and just not real, knowing that it's conditional on me pretending to be cis and hetero and fitting what they think I should be

[-] [email protected] 13 points 10 months ago

For people frequently chanting about death to various things, y'all are surprisingly literal.

He thinks the death to america posts aren't literal

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

what? that's just false, developers are people, they are employed to develop the game, usually their employer is the game studio.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

so whenever your boss tells you to do something you think is not the correct course of action you just quit right? you just leave your job without having another one lined up and probably risk losing your home, all because your boss told you to this thing you find annoying, you don't have a choice to work or not work, the choice is to work or starve, which is not a choice.

hewwo :3 (hexbear.net)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hey everyone, my name is Clover, some of my interests include but are not limited to:

  • cooking
  • touching computers
  • biology/genetic engineering
  • chemistry
  • mechanical things/machines of all kinds

I'm in my early 20s and politically very much a communist, I had my edgier days back in my teens but I mellowed out and was quickly radicalized through second thought and hasanabi (people who make videos on youtube) and have since gone on to read books (unbelievable achievement) in order to understand more theory.

I love making Chinese and Arab food the most, I also love baking sweets, cheesecake is the best kind of cake :3

genderly speaking, I am a trans woman, which is something I only accepted fairly recently (in the past two years) after suppressing those feelings for a very long time due to life circumstances

transphobiaThe British really fucked me when they exported their homophobia/transphobia to the middle east through colonization. The general imperialist destabilization and destruction in the region really doesn't make things better either, especially with how thoroughly the NATO/CIA backed religious fundamentalist anti-communists have succeeded in wiping out progressive movements in the region, I'll leave eventually, but stealth until then.



I like making electronics and soldering, I even fully built and soldered and programmed a keyboard which is very comfy to type on it's one of those weird looking keyboard that are split in two pieces and don't have that many keys.

I'm somewhere on the autism spectrum and don't like to go outside much, but when I do I sometimes like to go to quiet places that have nature and trees and walk around a bit and look at the birds or the leaves.

I enjoy shitposting and doing the whole 'catgirl' type thing occasionally, I also like table top rpgs (mainly DnD but I've been playing with a few others like starfinder).

oh I also like playing puzzle games and automation games, stuff like factorio, and roguelites are cool too (and yes I have also played Celeste as every trans girl does).

I like urbanism and trains and stuff too but that's pretty standard around these parts from what I've seen. (finally, leftist unity through everyone agreeing trains are cool)

I think I've rambled on enough, I am glad to have found this place through a friend's recommendation (shoutout @[email protected] ), I was somewhat aware of hexbear before but only really looked into it after she told me more about it.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago


the largest poverty alleviation campaign in modern history is too small for you to consider good?


we're talking about AES, not capitalist states.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

what facts did I deny? do you want me to get you the homelessness and home ownership statistics for China? I assure you that they support my point, which is that the majority of people in China (even the poor rural people) are not homeless and even own their own homes.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

the poverty line is very made up bullshit based on nothing but vibes some economists had, not even any statistics, it should be higher in a lot of places, lower in others where the price of things is lower, but in any case, no one claimed poor rural Chinese people don't exist, ThereRisesARedStar said they don't have a homelessness problem anywhere approaching the west, which is true, all of those poor rural Chinese people have homes, hell most of them even own their own homes, they don't even rent, so, what exactly is your point? China has been the largest alleviator of poverty in modern history, yet, they do still have poverty, it has not been eradicated yet, but, they do not have a homelessness issue due to government initiatives that have worked very hard to make sure there is enough housing for their population (see western propaganda about ghost cities and the reality of how they're all filled with people now)

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have tried a few of the lemmy apps and most can't login due to some form of API/connection error, connect for lemmy I did get to login with but I can't do anything like vote on a post or post a comment or subscribe to a community (things which I assume use the API)

Are there any apps that do work? is the API disabled on hexbear for some reason?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

you should read more Marx if you think Marx only said things about economics

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

'democratic' is used today a lot of the time to describe neoliberal capitalist governments that are controlled (influenced greatly) by the capitalist class

for example we can look at somewhere like the US and point out how the majority of people in government are all rich capitalists and how through lobbying and campaign 'donations' and owning the media the capitalist class controls the government

marxists call this kind of state a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie (capital), as opposed to a dictatorship of the proletariat (workers)

dictatorship here meaning general 'rule' not the specific meaning that the word has taken on more recently

so 'democratic' capitalist countries that exist today are under the "rule of the capitalist class" or "dictatorship of capital"

so if you wanted an actual democratic (in the real sense of the word) government, you'd need a government which is controlled by the majority of people, that is, the workers, a dictatorship of the proletariat

under such a system capitalists cannot be allowed to have influence on the government, which is something that is not really possible unless you implement tight capital controls like they do in China

the reason being that capital flight is a very real threat to a capitalist economy, and having that power over a government lets the capitalist class dictate terms and change laws to be favorable to them despite what the majority of people might want.

so to answer your question, the only way to have a government with a capitalist system not be controlled by capitalists is through suppression of the capitalist class, if they are allowed to have influence then you no longer have actual democracy.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago

best way I've seen to tell someone to read capital lmao

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