For example by locking 2.2 million people in a 45 x 10 km area, taking away any external food supply, forbidding them from working their fields or going fishing and throwing bombs on an area that is populated by 50% under 18 year olds, officially admitting that they target ambulances, refugee camps and the like? According to the UN the people in the Gaza strip are currently at an average 2 slices of bread per person and day. Won't take much longer until the fighting is over at this rate.
Why would a gay couple not have children?
Seems illogical...
And last I checked invoking Article 5 requires the country to be part of NATO, so even if this were in Sweden, it would not trigger Article 5 as they are not yet a member of NATO...
Dinge, mit denen man nicht rechnet wenn man die Straße runter läuft und sich den ganzen Tag an Otto maimais erfreut hat
The fact that you're right does not mean that this theory is flawed... But is a depressing fact for the state our global society is in.
Do you know of any society where this would not be the case?
And any EU citizen could proceed to sue the shit out of you and anyone who uses that data, based on GDPR. Especially, once you not only collect it, but also run any kind of inference on it.
Would be interesting to see where that ends. Once you start selling it, you act as some kind of company/have commercial interest and thereby clearly fall under GDPR. If they've never given their consent to your data processing, it would be best if your servers stand on some offshore oil rig and your bank account is somewhere on the Bahamas I guess...
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