Apparently guitars are just like bicycles - picked mine up after almost a decade and still remember most of my old favorite songs.
This is the most pro-trans website out there that isn't explicitly a trans community.
But also, big respect to the cis people in that thread who are like "yeah I've thought a lot about my gender and I'm definitely cis."
Even our cissies are more cis than the average person.
Saw a new doctor today for my hrt - I have plenty of meds but really just want my blood tests covered by insurance. It's always been really nerve-wracking talking about DIY with doctors ever since I had some bad experiences with my first few, but this doctor was just respectfully curious, wanted to know where it came from. Seems the mood towards DIY has changed since the 2000s. Or maybe it's just because I've been on it so long. Either way, It's nice.
When I was on valerate I would often have a pretty down mood the on needle day/the day before. Hasn't been an issue since moving to enanthate though, which I assume is because longer halflife on the same 7 day cycle = stable levels.
These ads are all over my PNW city on billboards and in store windows, and we have Vision Times/看中国 newspaper boxes throughout downtown.
"The Automaton scourge loves to use social media to distract patriotic super citizens, unlike ~~us~~those friendly Terminids. We should focus all our efforts on the western front!"
I was very confused when I learned the WWP had Trot roots. Like, these guys fucking love AES! Idk the history of it or how the party came around to this though. Any good reading on what happened?