Really? The closest thing in the US -- at all -- is from the 60s? Why do you suppose that is?
Trump would be impeached
Let's assume that happens. What would that do, exactly? Can you think of any precedent where something like that has happened before? What was the net effect?
"They're never going to call a train to take us to the bad place. They can't. Because we're already here. This is the bad place."
the developers of WeChat [...] have modified the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 protocol, creating a version called MMTLS.
Man in the Middle TLS
"We will provide you with a tool to emit garbage and a platform to share content. If you put the two together, you are liable."
Attractive nuisance much? Is it too much to ask that they should have to label it a garbage generator instead of "AI"? Why does honesty always have to take a back seat?
When a former employer sent me on business trips, the bean counters would complain that my descriptions for the purpose of meals on my expenses were not descriptive enough, as if the purpose of eating was not obvious. I ended up writing something like "nourishment to remain alive while traveling for XYZ project" out of frustration after that. That did the trick and shut them up. I suppose it was hard to argue that description, because if they disputed it, they'd basically be admitting they were sending me away because they wanted me to die.
Because wherever you go, there you are.
attend a service
Then they won, didn't they.
Fuck's sake.
Same old, same old
Translation: still stuck in some horrible cycle
Boop? 😂 Is your first name Boop?