I made a little thing to more easily move to another instance:
A way to quickly grab a list of your subscribed communities.
Go to your list of subscribed communities, /communities/listing_type/Subscribed/page/1 and create a bookmark with the following code as link:
javascript:(function() {
const currentHostname = window.location.hostname;
const table = document.getElementById('community_table');
const anchorTags = table.getElementsByTagName('a');
const communityUrls = [];
for (let i = 0; i < anchorTags.length; i++) {
const title = anchorTags[i].title.substring(1);
const parts = title.split('@');
const community = parts[0].trim();
const domain = parts[1] ? parts[1].trim() : currentHostname;
const communityUrl = `https://${domain}/c/${community}`;
const urlsText = communityUrls.join('\n');
.then(() => {
alert('Community URLs copied to clipboard!');
.catch((error) => {
alert('Failed to copy Community URLs to clipboard:', error);
Clicking this bookmark will automatically copy a list of all your subscribed communities and format the links so that you can pop them in the search bar of another instance to subscribe to them from another account.
It can only scrape what's on screen, so if your subscribed communities list is several pages long just click the bookmark for each page.
Unfortunately, rent control does have issues in the long run. Less profit for landlords does mean less money invested in new construction by people looking to make a profit. Less new construction eventually leads to shortages. It's great for those who already have housing, but those searching for a place to live have it more difficult under strict rent control. Though with how long construction projects take from planning to opening, this effect takes decades for any change to be noticeable.