It's becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate some US states from Iran or Afghanistan...
Everything about privacy (the confidentiality pillar of security) -- but not restricted to infosec. Offline privacy is also relevant here.
Easy. The yanks have more guns.
There will now be over 115 million Americans affected by this growing ban. Now over one third of the population, yes a full 34.4%, will not be able to access pornhub in their state without using a VPN. And we all know they are coming for the VPN next.
There are no VPNs operating in the US that the FBI cannot access with a gag order not to reveal that records were divulged. There is legislation giving telecoms limited protection, and they have the money/lawyers to protect themselves. VPN providers don't have that tiny sliver of protection.
So no VPN services won't be going anywhere, they're making it easier to keep tabs on you.