Edit: I am more interested in knowing if this switch has considerable benefits. Is there any privacy advantage in using Signal over iMessage from a technical perspective? Thanks in advance for any clarifications on this. 😊
Edit 2: I am not going to ask any of my friends to switch. It is their choice if they want to. I don't want to make suggestions. Also, I like iMessage. I posted this because I don't want to dismiss my friend’s suggestion without a reason. I know this subreddit is a decent place to get the answer.
A friend of mine predominantly uses Signal. They have suggested that I switch. As per this friend, it is a privacy boon. How logical is this switch for me? Most of my frequent contacts are on iMessage. I use Advanced Data Protection if that adds any value to my question. I am used to iMessage because of how it integrates into my life. But I didn't want to dismiss my friend’s recommendation without putting in a thought.