The original post: /r/gaming by /u/lipehd1 on 2024-12-26 23:06:42.
I just realized how Prey kinda pissed me off.
When you first booted the game, there's this guy living a nice life in a kinda futuristic city, then you discover his life was actually a lie, and he was trapped in a simulation, and you think you're kinda alone there, but you aren't, because there's these weird creatures that take the shape of anything, so you can't really trust anything, not even items that you normally just pick up, and have keep an eye on anything that's suspicious, because you barely has anything to defend yourself, and then you discover you're actually in space, and there's a point where you find a evolved form of the alien, that take a shape of a human, and that repeats the last words of the person that it's impersonating.
I mean, damn, the plot keep developing on a nice pacing, there is this suspense because you are alone, but you know that anything there could be a monster, but then the game start to scale up, and suddenly you're blasting your way trough waves of enemies on this action shooter, and like, why?
At the beggining of the game, it's like you're on this giant space station basically alone, on this survival game with this eering feeling, because you know that you could find these aliens when you least expect, but at some point, there's barely any moment where someone isn't calling you all the time to piss you off with random slop like roman on GTA 4 or some monster screaming across the room, because you can't be alone for a moment
I'm on the very end of the game now, and it feels like i'm playing far cry with aliens, and it's not why i picked this game up