Never heard of zsh
and oh-my-zsh
? Skill issue.
Shit on Desktop Linux and its evangelists here
No evangelizing for Linux This is the way, the fuzzy corrects alone are worth it. Themes, git metadata, plugins and seamless onboarding.
I veto pull requests that have upper case directory or file names.
bind 'set completion-ignore-case on'
bInD 'sEt CoMpLeTiOn-IgNoRe-CaSe On'
or just use fish shell
Solutions? No thanks, just a circlejerk here
Case insensitivity goes brrr
It's Linux. You're supposed to name your user data folders
or even better, just use /tmp as your download folder.
You don't keep stuff in /dev/null?
, sh
, src
, var
, old
, pic
, app
, books
that's mine. No bin
yet - it's a new installation with a home_old.tar.zst
file for the old.
EDIT: Of course I do have a Downloads
directory, I've just forgot to alias it to something more pleasant yet.
I keep half my life in that downloads folder. It is not going anywhere near /tmp.
You've downloaded half your life from the internet?
My whole drive is half downloads folder and half OS
This is the best and funniest comment I’ve read all week.
You can also setup custom dirs,
All of mine (except Desktop) point to "$HOME/downloads"
Im halfway to grey beard at this point but didn't know this. Thanks.
That's because modern desktops (looking at you, Gnome) have decided that discoverability isn't worth their time. They want empty, pretty interfaces with minimal functionality.
I use gnome and love it so not sure how that at all even relates here.
It's completely irrelevant to your de.
~/Documents showing up in my tab completion
Create a symlink if that behaviour bothers you
ln -s ~/Downloads ~/downloads
Bonus for solving another common point of confusion with ~/Downloads
ln -s ~/Downloads ~/Download
ln -s ~/Downloads ~/download
Won't this be annoying because you'll suddenly have 4 entries for the same thing when you ls
symlinks are sexy
It doesn't. I don't use Linux anymore and was far from a 'noob'. I got over the issue after the first time and used a highly personally configured LF, aliases, and ZSH auto-suggest mostly anyway. -Appreciate the tips others might benefit from though. -Thanks!
May I introduce you to zoxide
I actually have it installed on Windows, but never got around to configuring (outside of Yazi for which I have bookmarks for) or using it. I also hesitated to get into it because I want to know the directory structure well so it's not a handicap. -It is popular AF though. Probably not something for normies though.
OP again with the pro move of posting their Linux issues on linuxsucks to bait Lemmy into suggesting fixes.
shopt -s cdspell