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So appropriate for today.
At least they wear red hats to advertise their idiocracy
maga red hats aren't the "useful idiots".
what red hats say may be idiotic (🤯), but they're not duped. They vote for what they're openly told. It's not like Donald is hiding what he's for.
If you consider the historical examples, it would rather be the "uncommitted" democrats who are the "useful idiots" of the Republicans
They were duped in the sense that they are voting against their own financial interests unless they are extremely wealthy. It is not unlike slugs voting for salt, in that way.
They truly believe the poor will prosper, and those that don't are just lazy.
I was more getting at that they have duped themselves into believing they are making logical choices, which the Cunt has most certainly manipulated by specifically not hiding what he's for. As you pointed out, this can apply equally to any extreme of the political spectrum, I'm just a little more pissed off at one side than the other rn
Socialism angels
There's going to be 3 genocides instead of 1, and now you're all out in force to tell us it wasn't your fault.
Hey look, an article for all the "leftists" on lemmy.