Once they start tuning content to expect you to have an Aug. cos if they don’t then groups having one will have an easy time.
World of Warcraft
It's funny how people forget that wow already had support specs. While not on the extent of aug, shadow priests were called mana batteries in BC, you only brought the to put one in the healer group so they could get some mana regen.
Dps shaman and ret pally had the 'hybrid tax' (essentially lower direct dps) cause they brought buff and utility that 'pure dps' classes didn't have.
Lots of people hated the hybrid tax but I personally loved playing support.
I played the hell out of Rift before it went F2P, it had 2 support specs (Bard (rogue) and Archon (mage)) that were mandatory in raids but not so much in dungeons, raid bosses were designed around having them while in dungeons there were useful only if dungeons were new so people weren't geared enough yet for them. I guess that would equal to raids and m+ designed around support going forward.
If people actually end up being OK with doing less damage because they buff the group
That's not something to take for granted IMO, some people just want to top the dps meters, that happened in Rift regardless of the game being designed with support in mind from the start, I believe it will happen in WoW too, tho it's perfectly fine.
In any case, I love what they're doing, support is fun and "shaking the meta" this way is fun too IMO, gives people something totally new to learn.