So I dont have any sort of relationship or connection with R.E.M. I know the popular songs and I know I've listened to at least this album in full before but I probably didn't give it proper attention.
So I listened to it and tried to give it my full attention. I wouldn't say I've been converted to an R.E.M. fan but there are definitely things to like here. Two songs stood out to me the most so I'll highlight a few things I liked from those songs.
My favorite track is the opener of this album, Drive. It's just really great. I really like the darker sound and the non pop song structure. Obviously the Decemberists came after this but it kinda reminded me of them with the accordion. And then when the strings kick in halfway through it just has this epic sound.
The other song that stood out to me was Ignoreland. A bit more upbeat but there's still a hint of darkness in there especially with the politically natured lyrics. The double-time vocal buildup before the chorus into the belted "Ignooooreland!" is my favorite moment.
Those are my thoughts. If you want to convert to a full blown R.E.M. fan let me know what to check out that's similar to Drive.