"With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."
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Suddenly, Save the Game has a deeper meaning
That text is what immediately sprang to mind for me as well. Whatever, Divayth Fyr had it coming.
You can also use him for the quests THEN kill him. Personally I think that plotline is mostly funny in the pure absurdity of his character, but like many things in that game (crassius curio anyone?) he's pretty damn sketchy to say the very least. Personally my fave councilor out of all three houses is Aryon, who is significantly less sketchy.
Oh it's for sure meant to be a little humorous in its absurdity, but once I found out about the daughter-wife clones, I made a myself a lil quick save for prophecy reasons and then set about exploring an alternate timeline lol.
The struggle of wanting to kill Alexander early to just have the talisman he drops, but knowing if you wait til end game, that talisman is even better.
Yeah, but the loot I got off the other NPC was worth it.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my Level 8 actions. And I'd do it again!"
Amateurs, back in my day we had to restart multiple hours of progress because we used the wrong items to solve a riddle in King's quest!
Had a Morrowind run where I borked the main quest, sold or dropped the shadow shield somewhere and can't find it. The last save with it was like 10 hours earlier.
The Outer Worlds Spacers Choice Edition - bugged out main quest line that makes it impossible to finish the game or progress from that point on. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/111930-unable-to-stop-stellar-bay-transmissions-in-radio-free-monarch/
I didn't like the faction so I killed everyone including the future NPC questgiver. Once I progressed the main story, the quest marker would point to a floating point where their head would be, and you could hear the dialogue of the all the dead NPC ghosts taking to eachother.
5 years later and still not fixed so I still haven't beaten the game or played the DLC's. Didn't feel like starting from the beginning and risking the bug again.
No way to resurrect them with console commands?
This is Elden Ring. Console Command are for tourists.
The person I'm replying to is talking about Outer Wilds ;)
Nevermind then...
As I started to hit a massive wall in the DLC, I started to look at helpful items. Turns out I never even saw Boggart in my first playthrough and in the second one... well, I currently did a fist weapon only run.
And I never did his early quest to begin with, missed it both times and never knew he would sell stuff at all.
Same in TW3, I had to do a second playthrough to get Philip Strenger's Gwent card
What? I don't think it's a missable card. If you didn't win it I'm pretty sure he just leaves it on the table at the end of the storyline.
He does? I must have missed that, the quest of collecting all Gwent cards was failed automatically as soon as the Baron died without me collecting his Gwent card
It says here you'll still see the red X because you didn't beat him, but you can collect the card and complete the collection quest.
Then you realize that's only one of many reasons to replay the game again after.
Potent robes in BG3 for me. And I was playing a warlock. That one hurt.