Well yea. They terrorize people and then train American police how to do it here. Same with the military. Racists back Netanyahu, Bernie Sanders said it out loud multiple times. The racists are fucking making moves and the public needs to stop them. Don’t be stupid, just because the Jewish state is Jewish doesn’t make them invulnerable to racism. The Nazis have been infiltrating whatever government they could for 50+ years enabled by our own racists. Time to make move against them like so many of our progressive leaders are while the dems and gop fawn.
Israel and Palestine Politics Discussion
The sole purpose of this community is to discuss Israeli and Palestinian issues. It is not the place for hurling insults, rehashing grudges, or making up history. Any conversation that veers into the "if only your people had" realm will be deleted or locked right away. I started this community in the potentially fruitless hope that we may have a civil conversation about this issue.
- References to historical events must include a reputable source. The definition of reputable is up to the mods. Keep that in mind.
- Articles from reputable sources only.
- No name-calling. That's what DMs are for. /s
- Keep it in English. If I don't understand the word, it gets removed. Obvious exceptions would be the use of proper names and references. For example, "wadi" when used to refer to a place is acceptable.
- Discussions that are heading into the probability of becoming a flame war will be locked.
- Repeat offenders will be forced to find another community.
- Anti-Zionism is ok. Anti-Semitism is not.
- Whataboutism is for toddlers. Try to grow up.
- Posting articles about current events is encouraged. Posting the same story from 20 different sources is not.
- Posting an article purely for the purpose of saying "Look what monsters they are" is discouraged unless it can generate an honest discussion. This is probably the most difficult rule to follow.
- No calling anyone a terrorist.
- No YouTube links. Some of us can read.
The Deadly Exchange theory has been debunked. And Israel's relationship with the Palestinians has nothing to do with racism. Stop imposing your Western frameworks where they don't belong.
How much longer before they start gassing Palestinians?
Oh nevermind.. they're burning them:
White phosphorus is used to mark areas. There is absolutely no evidence they have used it on the people of Gaza. Stop spreading propaganda.
Yeah, no:
Maybe stop pushing Israeli propaganda.
Looks like an isolated incident and should be investigated.