We’re red-circling posts from REDDIT now?!
The quality of the internet diminishes daily.
We’re red-circling posts from REDDIT now?!
The quality of the internet diminishes daily.
It's nothing new, even on reddit.
I hated it there, and I hate it here.
there can be comfort in continuity
Hey, I laughed.
I managed to break the curse and am far more successful than my parents. It happened through a lot of hard work, persistence, a lot of luck, a hefty gift from my ex’s rich aunt and uncle, and even more luck.
Anyone can do it.
Funny thing is, my career is more successful than my parents but their pensions are still more than I earn lmao
I'm glad your doing well man
The American dream lives on. God bless you, sir.
Best I can do is working day job, streaming at night and winning only the cost of a scratcher back everytime. 🍀💰
Who do you think bought my car? My parents? Please.
It was their parents
My grandparents have been bailing my parents out of financial trouble their entire lives. Me? I got some cash for a down payment on a house, and I presently make more than ny parents do combined
All FOUR grandparents, right?
Doing better than my boomer parents? Hahahahaha
I'll settle for just doing better than a majority of my millennial peers.
GenX checking in to say: Same.
My parents were bad with money. No terrible, just mad. So I am doing better!
Perhaps they had better grammar and spell check
Perhaps they had no money because they spended everything in fancy spell chack
Same. I'm doing better, but man the bar was low.
Multigenerational households are cool though
Yes and no. Less lonely than living by yourself and you can cook in bulk, but also you get sick of your family after living with them for a while. Also if you're cramming 3 generation into a 3 bedroom because of financial constraints that's pretty rough.
3 generation into a 3 bedroom because of financial constraints that's pretty rough.
Sure, but specifically in a culture where it's overall disadvantagious to still live at home as a young adult: Not really, ya know?
I love my parents, but I've been ready to live separately from them for a long time.
Im doing better for only two reasons. One, I found out I'm pretty damn good at sales and make a pretty good living doing it.
And two, I don't have and don't plan on having kids. Those things are expensive.
I'm doing better than my parents but only because in post Soviet times my family was even poorer, so it's sorta been gradually improving over the generations. I was able to get better education, better job than my parents ever had an actual opportunity to. But they did try very hard to set me and my sister up with that opportunity, so I'm grateful for that.
Lol, I’m doing a bit better than my parents were while they were paying for chemo.
I hope they're doing well now.
I'm definitely doing better than my parents. But they were horrible with money so it's not like it was a high bar.
A lot better but only because the communists took my mother's family's business and property
My mother in law lives with us because of her crushing medical debt. I could go and ask her what she thinks but I think I know the answer.
I'm doing better because they had kids, they didn't have a pension plan, they didn't have all the safety nets we've got now (no parental leave at all compared to a full year now), they got out of school right when interest rates were extremely high and unemployment too, the list goes on and on...
This thread is getting a little humble brag bootstrappish. It's probably better to ask this again in a month after the student loan payments really hit.