Shoot em with your most powerful wand when you see them. Continue clearing the level as usual and shoot it again every time you see it.
I guess bees or mirror images could help you with keeping it at one place for a few more rounds.
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Shoot em with your most powerful wand when you see them. Continue clearing the level as usual and shoot it again every time you see it.
I guess bees or mirror images could help you with keeping it at one place for a few more rounds.
Good tips! The only time I successfully killed these Phantom Piranhas was when I had an armor with Thorns glyph.
Throw a poison seed (sorrowmoss) at them then throw a random object to trigger the planted seed. Go about your business while the poison works.
I also use teleport (fadeleaf) and vertigo (stormvine) seeds in a similar way on regular piranhas if I don't have ethereal chains or other fishing solution.
Depends upon class and inventory. Use ranged weapons - bow, whip, spear. Don't use bombs. A potion of mind vision is a good way to track where they have teleported. Once dead, get the meat as it is very powerful.
Push-Blast them out of water or pull them with chains?
They teleport.
Not sure if it's in the current version but there was an odd bug where I used some form of push, not sure if wand of blast wave, elastic weapon, or gladiator clobber, to knock a phantom piranha into a pit multiple times. It would teleport but also drop meat to the next floor. I only found this out on descending and finding half a dozen phantom meat scattered around.
Elastic weapons and Wand of Blast are good for knocking fish about. When you do it to a fly and your potion of healing goes crashing into a pit below, not so good. First time I used the wand was on a gnoll. We were on a bridge. I watched him go spinning into the deapths to his death... me following right behind. Chains are excellent for pulling fish out, agreed. Also, for those without a means to range attack or pull/blast, while it won't kill them, a potion of invisibilty can get you past them.