This is how they stand at times.
A Community for people to create posts with GIFs, MP4s or WEBPs - anything that's animated and reasonably short.
Images can be often be hosted directly on Lemmy, or on external sites such as or
I say...I say boy
Is this where chicken nuggets come from?¡?
You would need a dozen to make a 6 piece.
Yes chicken nuggets come from chickens but it depends on brands and how they make them that decides taste and quality
This video, it's editing and blur effects, gives me a headache.
Think its done to try and make it look smaller than it is, but they dont need the effects at all.
Correct, it's a cheapo fake tilt-shift effect intended to make it look smaller, but as someone with the eye for it all it does is remove any ability to get any scale because you have nothing to compare it to. For all I know this chicken is 3m tall and the porch is actually a train station dock.
It's a completely unnecessary addition. It's the same shit as speeding up video playback speed to make the video seem more impressive
That’s the tiniest cock I ever done seen.
Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination
Show it to Stormy Daniels and ask which one is smaller.
My coworker actually breeds these things. Apparently they fetch a pretty penny.
This is the first link on duck duck and has some details on the breed.
You'd think that you'd have better results with chicken chicken
How dare you show me something so cute!
I assume this is bred strictly as a pet?
Child's voice: "rRwr! I am a dinosaur!"
Fuck this tilt-shifted exaggeration. Nothing is fuckin genuine goddamn, anything for more clicks