Use a Mac.
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis - a rare disease that a friend has.
Shove-it, an ancient Windows utility by Phord Software that shoves any half-offscreen windows back onto the monitor so that you can get to all the gadgets. Phenomenally useful. First thing I install on any new build.
Flash. “To the Nth Degree” is my favourite Flash story of all time.
My top vote as the YouTuber who looks the least like his actual handle implies.
🎶 We’re up on Mexican Lucky
Which OS? Can you use a different app? If it’s Windows I recommend FastCopy.
Nothing beats Arctic.
I have what I call an “Ivy Lee” note that opens in its own window at a particular location on my second monitor every time I open Obsidian. It contains a list of things that I “must do” that day, a second set of bullets for “stretch goals” for the day and some “no need to worry about” entries in case I get anxiety about those things. I edit it the previous evening. Part of the Ivy Lee methodology I’ve been following for quite a while now.
Serve it some fava beans and Chianti with its next meal and see what happens