Your future:
<<<<<<< / c / g a r d e n i n g >>>>>>>
read braiding sweetgrass, lib
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Let it grow ^.^
.-/ \-. If I had a flower
( \__/ ) for each time
/`-./;;\.-`\ I thought
\ _.\;;/._ /
( / \ ) of communism
, \\ (-. ) my garden
|\_ ||/.-`would be full
\'.\_ |;`
'--,\|| ,
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// _/.'/
uhm actually that's a scythe not a sickle
Will you be ready to reap what you sowed?
i have the sickle, yes. I've threshed and winnowed my wheat before. I know what to do here
How large is the area you planted? And what are you planning to make with it?
don't know and don't know
(probably like... ~120-150 square feet, maybe? i might make bread? or farina? or beer? who knows? i'll think of that in 6 months)
For beer you might also want to plant some hops.
hops? fuck that. going to make something that would make r/prisonhooch proud. like umqombothi but with wheat and even more slapdash
Sounds great. But don't underestimate hops too. It's an herbal medicine. You can just brew it into tea for instance if you're having a hard time going to sleep.
Hell yeah yim yum
You, reaping what you’ve sowed:
get. that. grain.
That's badass! I went to help harvest wheat at a communal plot nearby, and it was so fun to use the sickle. Hard work, but overall such a wonderful experience. What variety/cultivar is your wheat, if you know?
the white kind? idk they sold this stuff at the farm store as animal feed. still works as seed though
I see! Keep us updated on how it's going, and what you do with it!
hell yes
how much did you plant?