Pretty cool to see, but it of course has that trademark Linux™ jank (affectionate)
That window where it shows your hands - is that an actual passthrough area, or just a flat jpg?
A place for all Furries who use (or are interested in) Linux-based OS's to come, hang out, ask questions, and enjoy!
Pretty cool to see, but it of course has that trademark Linux™ jank (affectionate)
That window where it shows your hands - is that an actual passthrough area, or just a flat jpg?
It's an ip camera feed from a phone mounted above the table. It doesn't work well. The ip camera tries to save bandwidth by pausing when there is no movement so it takes a good few seconds of moving my hands in front of it before it shows a live play back. I'm trying to get the index pass through working but I'm not a developer so IDK what I'm doing lol.
Heh, I was expecting it to run on Wayland and I was not disappointed. Nice.