@[email protected]
Packed with Trump nominees. I fear the worst.
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I often wonder how SCOTUS judges never seem to have military experience, nor hold elected office prior to their eternal nomination.
Nice group photo. Progress is slow.
@[email protected]
I don't have that much trust in the Supreme Court anymore, after the last decisions and after seeing how corrupt some if the quite obviously seem to be.
A possible second term of Trump combined with a Supreme Court that we can't completely rely on anymore... - scary combination!
@[email protected] And to remember that the next president may well pick a new SCOTUS or two! Voting matters. Have a plan to vote and make sure everyone you know has a plan to vote.
@[email protected]! #Unpack the corrupt #SupremeCourt ! Be loud and proud every day! In their faces. Unrelenting. Make it happen. Save American democracy! #FailedRobertsCourt #Politics